



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a) to cut, split.

2. (verb) to shine (e.g. through a narrow aperture).

Ka kitea te mārama tū-ā-iti nei e tore ana; i kitea ki te angotanga o te kēkē o Rangi (White 1 1887:144). / A glimmer of light was shining; seen in the gap in Rangi's armpit.

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Synonyms: tīrama, pīata, titi, titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwahiwahi, tōwāwahi

3. (modifier) quick, keen, sharp (of eyesight).

Kīia ai te tangata karu tore, ‘he kanohi hōmiromiro’ (Te Ara 2016). / A person with sharp eyesight was said to have 'eyes of a tomtit'.

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4. (noun) vagina, vulva.

Koia nei te pūtake mai o te ure tāne. Koia nei te pūtake o te tore wahine i te ao nei (JPS 1903:150). / That is the origin of the male penis. That is the origin of the female vagina in this world.

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1. (verb) to shine.

2. (noun) radiant light - as opposed to diffused light.

Me kore ake te rā me tōna aho i ora ai ngā mea oraora katoa o te ao (PK 2008:5). / We are fortunate with the sun and its radiant light whereby all living things of the world benefit.

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huruhuru whenua

1. (noun) shining spleenwort, Asplenium oblongifolium - large tufted native fern with very glossy fronds. Leaflets pointed with fine teeth. Distinctive brown herringbone pattern on the underneath of mature fronds. Common on coastal cliffs, in scrub and forest, usually on ground but also on trees.

Arā anō he aruhe i kainga e te Māori, tae atu ki ngā pihinga o te kōwaowao, te rereti, te mouku, te huruhuru whenua, te koru o te kiokio me te pikopiko (Te Ara 2011). / Māori ate other ground ferns, including the young fronds of hound’s tongue fern, rereti, hen and chickens fern and shining spleenwort. They ate the curled shoots of kiokio and common shield fern.

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1. (verb) to be bright, shining, glowing.

E takoto ana a Te Kati, ka rongo ake ia ki te whatitiri nui whakawehi rawa; muri tonu iho ka kite ia i te māramatanga e kanapu mai ana i tētahi kokonga o te rūmu (TWMNT 25/8/1874:217). / Mr Scott was lying down when he heard a fearful clap of thunder, and immediately after that saw a bright light in one corner of the room.

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Synonyms: whitinga, pīrata, karengo, whakawhiti, whiti

2. (noun) lightning.

Ka rapa i te rangi, he uira, he kanapu, te tohu o te ariki (M 2004:26). / Lightning flashes in the sky, a sign of a great chief.

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Synonyms: kapo, uira, hiko, rauuira


1. (verb) (-ina,-tia) to split open.

Ka patua a Bull. I a ia e moe ana, ka koharatia e Maketū te upoko ki te toki (TTR 1990:43). / Bull was killed. While he was sleeping Maketu split his head open with an axe.

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2. (verb) (-ina,-kia,-tia) to gleam, shine.

Nō te kitenga o Tāne-tūturi i taua māramatanga ka kōrero atu ia ki ōna tuākana, "Kua kitea e au tētahi māramatanga e kohara mai ana i roto i te kēkē o tō tātau pāpā. Kei te hunaia e ō tātau mātua te māramatanga i a tātau, kei whiti mai ki a tātau." (HWM 4). / When Tāne-tūturi saw the light he said to his elder brothers, "I have seen some light shining in the armpit of our father. The light is being hidden from us by our parents so that it can't shine on us."

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Synonyms: tīrama, pīata, titi, tore, titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwahiwahi, tōwāwahi

3. (verb) (-tia) to enthuse, be passionate about, enraptured, enthusiastic, infatuated, smitten.

Ka kohara a Hineteiwaiwa ki a Tinirau. Ka kohara a Tinirau ki a Hineteiwaiwa (Tr 1874:49). / Hineteiwaiwa was smitten with Tinirau and Tinirau was infatuated with Hineteiwaiwa.

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Synonyms: remurere, panapana, manawawera, mate kanehe, ngākau whiwhita


1. (verb) to call (like a shining cuckoo).

Ka rangona te tangi a te pīpīwharauroa e kūī ana i taku kāinga ia kōanga, ia kōanga. / At my home the sound of the shining cuckoo calling kūī is heard each spring.

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2. (noun) call of the shining cuckoo.

Me tioro haere anō e koe tēnei reta e whai ake nei ki ngā marae o tama mā, o hine mā, arā, me, 'kūī, kūī, whiti, whiti, whitiwhitiora' (HKW 1/11/1900:8). / The following letter should be broadcast to the marae of our young men and women, it should call 'kūī kūī, whiti, whiti, whitiwhitiora'.

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1. (verb) (-hia,-ia,-ngia) to clear, cut down (bush, etc.), remove obstructions, shine clearly, come out from behind the clouds.

Nei te pōwhiri atu ki a koutou, kei pōkaku noa mai koutou e aukatihia noahia mai ana ki ēnei kura e toru nā rātou nei i te para te huarahi (HM 2/1999). / Here is the invitation to you all in case you are mistaken into thinking that you are being excluded from these three schools which paved the way.

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Synonyms: huawaere


1. (verb) to be shiny, bright, polished, glossy.

I kitea tētahi wēra e takoto ana i te one, i Waipuka wāhi o Waimārama, i te 17 o ngā rā o Māehe, nā tētahi tamaiti i haere ki te whiu hōiho i kite, ko ngā hōiho nāna i kite wawe te wēra, ā ka mataku, ā ka tino mea taua tamaiti kia mōhio rawa ia ki te mea i wehi ai, i oma ai ana hōiho, ā ka kite e pīata ana i te one, ka mataku anō ia (TW 12/4/1875:69). / A whale was seen lying on the beach at Waipuka near Waimārama on the 17th of March, by a boy who went to drive horses, the horses saw the whale first, and took fright, and the boy was determined to know what made his horses bolt, and saw it shining on the beach he also took fright.

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Synonyms: pīataata, paparewarewa, mōhinuhinu, ūiraira, kōratarata

2. (modifier) shiny, bright, polished, glossy, transparent.

Ko te huarahi o te pā he koura parakore, ko ia anō kei te karaihe piata (PT Whakakitenga 21:21). / The street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

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3. (noun) brightness, shine, gloss finish.

Te papai o te āhua o te tangata, te ātaahua o ngā kākahu, te pīata o ngā pātene (TKO 30/4/1919:9). / How smart the men appeared, with the beautiful clothes and the shining buttons.

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Synonyms: titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwahiwahi, tōwāwahi, tīrama, titi, tore


1. (noun) brown creeper, Mohoua novaeseelandiae - a small endemic forest bird of the South Island and Stewart Island, reddish-brown crown, rump and tail, ash-grey on face and neck, and light buff underparts. Usually found in small, fast-moving noisy flocks high in the canopy.

2. (noun) shining sunset shell, Soletellina nitida - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc common in sand near low tide. Fragile shell, often with a greenish-yellow, varnish-like coating. Purplish near the hinge and inside.

Kātahi taua tangata rā ka mahara he pakake; kātahi ka nuku atu ki te taha titiro atu ai. Nō te kitenga o taua tangata i ngā kanohi e kamokamo ana mai i roto i te pīpipi, kātahi anō taua tangata ka mōhio he tangata tonu (JPS 1921:43). / The man at first thought it was a minke whale, but then he moved nearer to have a closer look. When he saw the eyes of that man, which were blinking from amidst the shining sunset shells, he knew it was a human being.

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3. (noun) cirrostratus - cloud forming a thin, fairly uniform semi-translucent layer at high altitude. Often used in the phrase pīpipi o te rangi.

Ka kite a Tūpai i te rangi e tuhi ana te pīpipi o te rangi (JPS 1926:240). / Tūpai saw the sky adorned with cirrostratus cloud.

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See also pipi


1. (noun) shining cuckoo, Chrysococcyx lucidus - a short-tailed, bronze-green bird with a dark green-and-white face and upperparts which migrates to the Solomon Islands and Bismarck Archipelago for the New Zealand winter.

Ki te whiua te tangata ki te pātai ‘I hea koe i te tangi o te pīpīwharauroa?’, he taunu tērā i te tangata tē kitea i te whakatōnga, heoi, i te hauhaketanga ka puta ake (Te Ara 2012). / If a person is asked, ‘Where were you when the shining cuckoo sang?' it is a derogatory comment of the person who is not seen at planting time, but shows up at harvest time.

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Synonyms: whēnakonako, piripiriwharauroa, wharauroa, nakonako

2. (noun) white and green variety of greenstone like the dappled breast plumage of the shining cuckoo.


1. (noun) puka, Meryta sinclairii - a tree with large, shiny, leathery leaves found in warm climates and native to the Three Kings Islands and on the Hen and Chicken Islands. Fruit black and succulent. It is common as a garden tree in warmer parts of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

See also pukanui

Synonyms: pukanui

2. (noun) shining broadleaf, Griselinia lucida - a shrub with large, leathery, very glossy, alternating leaves. The fruit is dark purple. It often grows up in trees, extending its white, pliable roots down the trunk of the host tree, eventually becoming an independent tree.

See also akapuka

Synonyms: pukatea, akapuka, akakopuka

3. (noun) puka, Muehlenbeckia australis - a woody climbing plant to 10 m covering shrubs or small trees or trailing over rocks. Leaves ovate to 3-lobed or fiddle-shaped and dark green. Fruit black and wrinkled.

See also pōhuehue

Synonyms: pōhuehue, pukanui

4. (noun) swamp maire, Syzygium maire - a tree of swampy forests with a smooth-barked trunk, red berries and elliptic-oblong leaves tapering at each end and in pairs.

See also maire tawake


1. (verb) to shine dimly.

Tākarokaro noa ana te whetū māori o runga (M 2007:306). / The lesser stars above shine dimly.

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2. (noun) semi-gloss.


1. (verb) (-tia) to adorn, ornament.

He wheua toroa ngā uhi, arā te mea māna e nakonako te kiri o te tangata (W 1971:217) / The chisels were albatross bone, that is the one for him to adorn the skin of a person.

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Synonyms: tāraro, whakanikoniko, whakapaipai, whakaniko, whakarei, pōria, whakanakonako, whakapīwari

2. (noun) shining cuckoo, Chrysococcyx lucidus - a short-tailed, bronze-green bird with a dark green-and-white face and upperparts which migrates to the Solomon Islands and Bismarck Archipelago for the New Zealand winter.

2. (noun) flame, glow, warmth, heat, radiance.

Tohaina atu rā ēnei maioha, ēnei kupu whakamihi āku, a Te Taiti Te Tomo, ki ngā iwi o Te Tai Rāwhiti, arā, ki a Porourangi rāua ko Te Poho o Rāwiri mō ngā manaaki maha i uhia nei ki runga i ngā ope waewae tapu ki runga i ōu marae maha, i kitea ai, i rangona ai hoki te hana o tēnei mea o te aroha tūturu (TTT1/4/1930:2035). / Distribute these affectionate greetings, these words of thanks of mine, of Te Taite Te Tomo, to the peoples of the East Coast, that is to Porourangi and Te Poho o Rāwiri, for the hospitality bestowed on the groups of newcomers onto your many marae. The radiance of true affection was seen and felt.

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1. (noun) pukatea, Laurelia novae-zelandiae - a tall forest tree of damp or wet areas with large flange-like buttresses supporting the base of the trunk. Thick, leathery, glossy leaves which have serrated edges.

2. (noun) shining broadleaf, Griselinia lucida - a shrub with large, leathery, very glossy, alternating leaves. The fruit is dark purple. It often grows up in trees, extending its white, pliable roots down the trunk of the host tree, eventually becoming an independent tree.

See also akapuka

Synonyms: puka, akapuka, akakopuka


1. (noun) shining cuckoo, Chrysococcyx lucidus - a short-tailed, bronze-green bird with a dark green-and-white face and upperparts which migrates to the Solomon Islands and Bismarck Archipelago for the New Zealand winter.


1. (verb) to search by torchlight, shine, glimmer.

I homai te rā a te Atua hei tīrama i te ao (TTT 1/11/1927:680). / God's sun was given to shine on the world.

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Synonyms: tīramarama, pīata, titi, tore, titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tōwahiwahi, tōwāwahi

2. (noun) torchlight.

I puta ake he waihanga ki te tīrama (Ng 1993:492). / A figure appeared in the torchlight (Ng 1993:492).

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1. (verb) to shine, glisten, gleam.

Tetere tonu rātou, tōwahiwahi ana (PT Heremaia 5:28). / They are waxen fat, they shine.

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Synonyms: tīrama, pīata, titi, tore, titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwāwahi

2. (verb) to be moist, watery, sleek.


1. (verb) to be moist, watery.

Tōwāwahi ana ngā kanohi; me te mea e tangi ana (W 1971:442). / The eyes were watery, as if he was crying.

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Synonyms: kōpūtoitoi, monoku, mākū, toriwai, whakamākūkū, haumākū, hauwai, tōwahiwahi

2. (verb) to shine, glisten, gleam.

Tōwāwahi ana te taupoki o te pouaka (W 1971:442). / The lid of the box was shining.

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Synonyms: tīrama, pīata, titi, tore, titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwahiwahi


1. (verb) to show out, gleam.

Ānō he pounamu kei ngā karupango e titiwha ana (NM 1928:134). / It was as if there was greenstone gleaming in the pupils of the eyes.

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2. (noun) gleam, glow, shine.

Ātaahua ana ō rātou kākahu hākinakina, muramura ana, me te titiwha anō o te waitohu o runga, ko mātou ia, he tīhāte mā noa iho te haere (HJ 2015:107). / Their sports clothes were beautiful, bright with the gleam of the logo on them, but ours, we're just going white T-shirts.

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Synonyms: tīrama, pīata, titi, tore, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwahiwahi, tōwāwahi

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