1. (noun) giant bully, Gobiomorphus gobioides and other species of bully - stocky fish with large heads, two separate dorsal fins, strong body scales, and pelvic fins located forwards beneath the gill openings. Giant bully is very dark, often black with irregular, golden olive lines on cheeks and a linear series of small, golden speckles on each flank. An endemic fish widespread in esturine and coastal waters of the North and South Islands. Rarely moves more than 2 km inland. Emerges at night to feed.
Ka nui te whaikōrero, ka tukua te kai, arā, te tuna, te inanga, te kōura, te toitoi (JPS 1901:74). / After a lot of speech-making, food was presented, that is eels, whitebait, crayfish and giant bully.
See also kōkopu
2. (noun) common bully, Gobiomorphus cotidianus - an endemic fish found throughout streams and waterways of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Body moderately stout and head bluntly pointed.
See also tīpokopoko
3. (noun) Cook's turban shell, Cookia sulcata - a large, round, heavy univalve that lives under rocks just below low tide.
See also kāeo
Synonyms: karahiwa, kararuri, karekawa, kawari, koeo, koeti, koriakai, korohiwa, korona, kororiwha, kūpā, marapeka, matamatangongo, mātangata, matatangata, kōramu, matapura, tōrire, hānea, kurewha, tākupu, pipi taiari, rehoreho, rereho, taiwhatiwhati, takarape, tanetane, tāwiri, torewai, tungangi, uere, wahawaha, wētiwha, whētikotiko, karahū, tohemanga, pure, tairaki, ngūpara, pipi tairaki, kuharu, kūkuku, kūkukuroa, kukupati, pūkanikani, papahurihuri, hākari, poua, rerekākara, tio, tikoaka, toheroa, tuangi, tuangi haruru, kaitua, kākara, miware, mitimiti, pūpū, ngārahu tatawa, ngārahu taua, peke, ataata, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, pūpū atamarama, tihipu, tihi, tio para, tio repe, tipa, totoro, totorere, tuatua, tupa, toretore, ngākihi, ngaingai, kākahi, taiawa, rūharu, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, kuku-mau-toka, ngākihi tea, niania, matangongore, matangārahu, maurea, mimiti, karehu, tītiko, ngāruru, ngaeti, papatua, karoro, waharoa, ururoa, wahanui, ngāeo, pipi, tūteure, ngākihi hiwihiwi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hahari, hohehohe, hūai, kōmore, pātitotito, pātiotio, peraro, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū māeneene, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waharoa, pūpū waitai, pūtātara, purewha, pūrimu, ruheruhe, takarepo, takai, tākai, tūroro, piritoka, pōrohe, kahitua, angarite, awatai, hauwai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hoehoe, hopetea, kāeo, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, pāua, poro, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, whētiko, koio, kōrama, karariwha
4. (noun) white-breasted North Island tomtit, Petroica macrocephala toitoi - a little black-and-white bird with a large head and short tail. Lives in forest and scrub.
See also miromiro
Synonyms: kikitori, kōmiromiro, māuipōtiki, pipitore, pipitori, pīmiromiro, pīngirungiru, pīmirumiru, pīrangirangi, miromiro, hōmiromiro
5. (noun) brown creeper, Mohoua novaeseelandiae - a small endemic forest bird of the South Island and Stewart Island, reddish-brown crown, rump and tail, ash-grey on face and neck, and light buff underparts. Usually found in small, fast-moving noisy flocks high in the canopy.
See also pīpipi
Synonyms: tītirihika, pipirihika, pīpipi