1. (noun) white-breasted North Island tomtit, Petroica macrocephala toitoi - a little black-and-white bird with a large head and short tail. Lives in forest and scrub.
Tērā kei te aitia mai, ka tae te tohu ki ngā mōkaikai a Timu, ki a Hine-pipi-wai, ki a Hine-papa-wai, he manu hōmiromiro (JPS 1907:222). / They cohabited and an omen reached the Timu's pets, Hine-pipi-wai and Hine-papa-wai, which were tomtits.
See also miromiro
Synonyms: kikitori, kōmiromiro, māuipōtiki, pipitore, pipitori, pīmiromiro, pīngirungiru, pīmirumiru, pīrangirangi, toitoi, miromiro