1. (noun) white-breasted North Island tomtit, Petroica macrocephala toitoi - a little black-and-white bird with a large head and short tail. Lives in forest and scrub.
Nā, ka tae mai ngā miromiro, ngā pītoitoi, ngā tātāeko, ngā kōriroriro, ia manu, ia manu, me ngā tīrairaka, ka rūpeke mai (NM 1928:22). / So the white breasted tits, the New Zealand robins, the whiteheads, the grey warblers, each bird together with the fantails all assembled.
Synonyms: kikitori, kōmiromiro, māuipōtiki, pipitore, pipitori, pīmiromiro, pīngirungiru, pīmirumiru, pīrangirangi, toitoi, hōmiromiro