1. (verb) (-a) to cut short, trim off, abbreviate, shorten.
Ki te titiro te tangata ki tētahi o aua kuīni i te wā kua mahue tōna kōpare, ka poroa tōna kakī (TWMNT 19/5/1874:123). / If a person saw one of those queens at a time when she was without her veil, he would be beheaded.
See also tīporo
2. (verb) (-a) to amputate, cut off.
I te roa e tioa ana e te mātaratara, ka poroa ngā matimati o tana waewae mauī (PK 2008:931). / Because he was so long exposed to the intense cold, the toes of his left foot were amputated.
3. (verb) to be finished.
4. (noun) block, log, butt-end, termination, piece of anything cut or broken off short.
E rere ana te poti i tētahi awa hōhonu, awa whānui, kātahi ka tūtuki te poti ki te poro rākau, ka tahuri (TTT 1/3/1924:14). / The boat was sailing along a deep, wide river when it struck a log and capsized.
Synonyms: rōku, poro rākau
5. (noun) prism.
He āhua ahu-3 te poro, he momo matarau. He ōrite te āhua o ngā pito e rua, he whakarara hoki. Katoa ērā atu o ngā mata, he tapawhā hāngai te āhua. Ka tapaina te poro ki te āhua o ōna pito (TRP 2010:205). / The prism is a 3-dimensional shape, a type of polyhedron. Two of the faces are identical and parallel - these are the two ends of the prism. All other faces are rectangular in shape. The prism is named after the shape of its ends (TRP 2010:205).
6. (noun) golden oyster, Anomia trigonopsis - a bivalve mollusc found on the underside of stones, other shells and wharf piles from low tide level to depths of 45 m. It has a thin wrinkled upper valve.