



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to put to sleep.

Me whakamoe ngā tamariki ki te parani o te whare (TTT 1/3/1930:2005). / The children should be put to sleep on the verandah of the house.

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2. (verb) (-a) to give in marriage, marry off.

Ka mea atu a Tūtānekai, "Ko tōku tuahine rā, kia whakamoea mā tōku hoa takatāpui, mā Tiki." (NM 1928:113). / Tūtānekai said, "My sister should be given in marriage to my close friend, Tiki."

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3. (verb) (-a) to close (the eyes).

Ka whakamoea ngā kanohi (W 1971:204). / The eyes were shut.

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4. (verb) (-a) to recite traditional lore.

He tangata whakamoe tau (W 1971:204). / A man who has knowledge of the seasons (W 1971:204).

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5. (verb) to recite a genealogy including males and their spouses.

Kāore au e pai ki te taotahi i aku whakapapa, me āta whakamoe anō ka pai ai au (W 1971:204). / I don't like to recite just the male lines in my genealogy, I like to recite them with the marriages included.

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See also whakapapa

Synonyms: taotahi

6. (modifier) having spouses included.

Ko tērā whakapapa he whakapapa whakamoe tōna ingoa, nō te mea kei te heria mai anō ki roto i te whakapapa ngā pānga o te wahine, ā, i te nuinga o te wā i ngā wā o mua i heke kē mai i te taha tāne te āhua o te whakapapa (Milroy 2015). / That whakapapa is called a whakapapa whakamoe (genealogy with spouses), because the connections of the wife are being included, and, most of the time in the past the whakapapa descended down the male side.

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7. (modifier) sleeping.

I mea ia kia hoatu he rongoā whakamoe i a ia kia kore ai ia e rongo i te mamae, ka pokaia e ia (HTK 17/2/1894:2). / She said to give him some medicine to put him to sleep so that he would not feel the pain and then he cut it out.

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8. (noun) marriage.

Ko ngā waha tētahi, ka āta tū ngā niho tapahi me ngā niho pū kātahi ka tino oti tēnā whakamoe tāne, wahine (JPS 1927:352). / The mouth was another thing, an even set of incisors and of double teeth was deemed desirable, and, if all these things were satisfactory, then marriage was assured.

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Synonyms: mārenatanga, moemoe, moenga, mārenarena, moumouranga, mārena, whakamoemoe

9. (noun) genealogy with spouses included.

Kia whaiwhai atu au i ētahi atu kupu kua whakaingoatia mō ngā momo whakapapa a te Māori. Ko tētahi ko te whakamoe, arā ko ngā wāhine ēnei e uru mai ana ki roto i te whakapapa (Milroy 2015). / Let me follow with some words naming the types of whakapapa of the Māori. One is whakamoe, that is when wives are included in the genealogy.

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1. (loan) (noun) marriage.

Kua rongo anō te iwi i ērā marama, o ngā kōrero o te mārenatanga o te Tiuka o Erinipara ki tētahi o ngā tamāhine a te Kīngi o Rūhia (AMW 30/5/1848:4). / In the past months the people have heard of discussions about the marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh to one of the daughters of the King of Russia.

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Synonyms: mārenarena, moemoe, moenga, whakamoemoe, moumouranga, whakamoe, mārena


1. (noun) marriage - has a repetitive connotation.

Me tino whaihanga he ture hei whakahau kia whakaranu te mārenarena a te kirimā ki te kirimangu (TTT 1/8/1931:18). / Laws should be made to encourage mixed marriages of fair-skinned and dark-skinned people.

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Synonyms: mārenatanga, moemoe, moenga, whakamoemoe, moumouranga, whakamoe, mārena


1. (noun) bed, sleeping place.

Kātahi ka maranga ake i runga i tōna moenga, ka ngoi atu ki waho o te whare ki te tiriti (KO 16/3/1885:8). / Then he rose from his bed and crawled out of the house to the street.

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2. (noun) marriage.

Tokotoru ngā tamariki a Mere i ētehi atu i mua i tō rāua moenga (TTR 1998:2). / Mere had three children by others before their marriage.

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Synonyms: mārenarena, mārenatanga, moemoe, whakamoemoe, moumouranga, whakamoe, mārena

moe māori

1. (noun) customary marriage, de facto marriage, common law marriage, cohabitation.

I te āhua nei nō te tau 1927, ka tūtaki a Hōne Heke ki a Parani Maihi o Ngāti Hau o Te Hokianga, ā, moea ana e ia hei wahine tuarua māna, i runga i te tikanga moe Māori (TTR 1998:151). / It would seem that in 1927 Hōne Heke met Parani Maihi of Ngāti Hau of Hokianga, and he took her as a second wife in a customary marriage.

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1. (verb) (-kia) to enter, go in.

I haere mai te popi ka tomo i te hāwhe o te waru i te ata, haere ana i muri i a ia ngā katinara, he roa taua rōpū (KO 18/2/1888:3). / The pope came and entered at 8.30 am, following behind him were the cardinals and that group was a long line.

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See also tomo mai

2. (verb) (-kia) to attack, assault, storm (a pā, etc.).

Kātahi ka tomokia te pā o Hou-mai-tawhiti rātou ko āna tama e te taua a ngā tāngata o Uenuku mā, ka horo tētahi ngerengere (NM 1928:57). / Then when the fort of Hou-mai-tawhiti and his sons was attacked by the men of the war party of Uenuku and others, one palisade fell.

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3. (verb) to arrange a marriage, engage in marriage negotiations, betroth - a cultural practice where a marriage is formally arranged by the grandfathers of the two communities to which the prospective bride and groom belong.

Nā ngā kaumātua ia i tomo kia moe ki tētahi wahine rangatira nō Hāmua me Mua-ūpoko, ko Rihipeti te ingoa (TTR 1994:69). / The elders arranged that he marry a woman of high rank from Hāmua and Mua-ūpoko, whose name was Rihipeti.

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4. (noun) betrothal, marriage compact, arranged marriage - a cultural practice where a marriage is formally arranged by the grandfathers of the two communities to which the prospective bride and groom belong.

He epeepe tonu nei rāua, ā, i te wā e kōhungahunga tonu ana i puta ai te whakahau a wō rāua tūpuna tāne rā, kia taumautia rāua i runga anō i te tikanga o te tomo (TTR 2000:68-69). / They were distant cousins and when they were still quite young their grandfathers decreed that they be betrothed under the customary practice of betrothal.

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1. (noun) marriage, betrothal, connection by marriage.

Ko Hōri Taiāwhio te tāne o tōna moumouranga tuarua, ā, hei tā ētahi kōrero, ka moe rāua i te tau 1870 (TTR 1994:25). / George Taiāwhio was the husband of her second marriage and, according to accounts, they were married in 1870.

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Synonyms: mārenarena, mārenatanga, moemoe, moenga, whakamoemoe, whakamoe, mārena

takapau wharanui

1. (noun) wide sleeping mat, chiefly marriage bed, birth in lawful wedlock - a metaphor for a birth having taken place as a result of a communally recognised marriage.

Mā Kahutia-te-rangi, mā te tangata i moea ki runga i te takapau wharanui (W 1971:204). / It is for Kahutia-te-rangi, the man who was born in lawful wedlock.

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See also takapau, takapou


1. (noun) blood clot.

He toto rere, he poketoto anō ētahi o ngā paru i puta mai (PK 2008:657). / Blood and blood clots were some of the discharge.

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2. arranged marriage - a figurative use to describe an arranged marriage between former enemies which led to the cessation of hostilities, thus stopping the flow of blood.


1. (verb) to fornicate, have sexual intercourse outside marriage.

2. (modifier) fornicating.

Ka pā mai pea te mahi whakaito ki a koe mehemea ka whakaaturia ētahi pikitia kaikaiātara ki a koe i te wāhi mahi. / Sexual harassment might affect you if pictures of sexual intercourse are shown to you in the work place.

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3. (noun) fornication, sexual intercourse outside marriage.


1. (verb) (-a) to give in marriage, marry, join, fuse, blend, combine.

E kore rawa e taea e ngā tohunga ā-ture, tohunga matakite, mākutu rānei te whakamoemoe ki ngā tikanga Pākehā (TTT 1/11/1925:324). / Neither legal experts, seers nor experts in witchcraft will ever be able to blend them with Pākehā customs.

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Synonyms: moe, moemoe, mārena, , tūhono, tūhonohono, hono, kuhukuhu, porotūtaki, porotūtataki, uhono, whakakapiti, tāpiri, whakauru, pāhekoheko, hiki, tūhoto, uru, whakatapoko, haumi, honohono, pūtahi

2. (verb) (-a) to bring under the influence of a sleep-inducing spell.

Ka rotua te whare e ngā wāhine rā, ka whakamoemoea kia moe (NM 1928:30). / The people in the house were put under a spell that put them to sleep.

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3. (noun) marriage, union.

Nā ngā whakamoemoe taumau ki ngā mea pakeke a ngā tama a Rua, ki a Whatu rāua ko Toko, tēnei whakahononga i a Tūhoe rāua ko Te Whakatōhea (TTR 1996:178). / Tūhoe and Te Whakatōhea were linked by arranged marriages of Rua's eldest sons, Whatu and Toko.

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Synonyms: moumouranga, mārenarena, mārena, whakamoe, mārenatanga, moemoe, moenga


1. (verb) (-ia) to place, set, fix in place, give in marriage.

Ka whakanohonoho haere a Ngāti Tama atu i Ōhariu ki Paekākāriki (TTR 1990:256). / Ngāti Tama took up residence between Ōhariu and Paekākāriki.

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Synonyms: tetepe, , ahuahu, kōpā, whakamohiki, whakarākei, totoka, rehurehu, whiu, whakanoho, wāhanga, whakatū, panga, moka, whiuwhiu, wāhi, kopou, makamaka, maka, taiwhanga, whakatakoto

2. (modifier) causing to settle, placing, setting, fixing in place, establishing, rehabilitating.

Ko ia rā te kairuruku o te whakahaere o te mahi whakanohonoho (TTR 2000:15). / He was the coordinator of the rehabilitation structure.

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Synonyms: whakamātūtū, whakanoho, rerenga, tautanga, takiwā

3. (noun) situation, relationship, settling, seating, placement, establishment, siting.

Kua kore e aro me pēhea te whakanohonoho i ngā mema ki runga i te komiti whakahaere (TTR 1998:205). / It was no longer known how to settle the members on the management committee.

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Synonyms: whakanoho, whakatakotoranga, pūwhenua, nohonga, nohoanga, nōhanga, whakawāwā, whakatatū, tautanga, whaitake, whanaungatanga, whakapiringa, piringa, taunekeneke, hononga, pāhekoheko


1. (verb) (-tia) to give in marriage.

Kāore e whakapākūwhā ngā wāhine kairau (W 1971:256). / Prostitutes won't be given in marriage.

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1. (verb) to marry - implies that a number of people marry.

Nō te mea kāore he wāhine o runga i tō rātau waka, nō te taenga mai ki Aotearoa nei, ka moemoe i ngā wāhine o ngā iwi i konei (HP 1991:10). / Because there were no women on their vessel, on arriving in Aotearoa/New Zealand they married women of the tribes here.

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Synonyms: moe, whakamoemoe, mārena,

2. (verb) to sleep, sleeping, asleep (of a number of people).

Ko ngā tamariki pēpe e moemoe ana i taua wā kātahi ka whakaarahia, ka pōkaikaha noa iho rātau ki te kimikimi i ō rātau pūtu me ō rātau kahu mahana, i te mea e rere ana te puaheiri i taua wā, me te hau hoki e pupuhi ana (TPH 10/1/1906:3). / The young children were asleep at that time when they were made to get up and they hurriedly looked for their boots and warm clothes because the snow was falling and the wind blowing.

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3. (modifier) dreamer, dreaming.

I te pō o tētahi rangi noa ake ka moemoeā a Kauhika, he whaea nō Te Rangi-kai-kore tēnei, he wahine moemoe hoki taua kuia (JPS 1919:92). / During the night of quite a different day, Kauhika, who was an aunt of Te Rangi-kai-kore, and a dreamer of dreams, had a vision.

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4. (noun) marriage, dream.

Kati, i tōna ohonga ake ka wareware i a ia te āhua o tana moemoe i whakakitea ki a ia i te pō (TKO 12/8/1918:12). / Well, when he woke up he had forgotten what his dream, that was revealed to him in the night, was about.

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Synonyms: moumouranga, mārenarena, mārena, whakamoe, mārenatanga, moenga, whakamoemoe

5. (noun) a variety of Māori potato with a purple skin and reddish-yellow mottled flesh.


1. (loan) (verb) (-hia,-tia) to marry.

Kua rongo anō te iwi i ērā marama, o ngā kōrero o te mārenatanga o te Tiūka o Erinipāra ki tētahi o ngā tamāhine a te Kīngi o Rūhia, ā ko te tungāne tēnei, o taua wahine a te Tiūka o Erinipāra, ka mārenatia nei ki te tuahine anō o te Tiūka o Erinipāra (TW 5/8/1874:3). / In the past months the people have heard of discussions about the marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh to one of the daughters of the King of Russia and the brother of the Duke of Edinburgh’s fiancee will marry the Duke of Edinburgh’s own sister.

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Synonyms: moe, moemoe, whakamoemoe,

2. (loan) (modifier) married.

Me whai mana tonu te wahine mārena ki tana tāne ina tāhaetia e tētahi tangata (TW 17/8/1878:11/415). / Married women should still have rights with regard to their husbands when there has been an adulterous relationship.

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3. (loan) (noun) marriage, wedding.

I mōhiotia hoki i wera ngā pukapuka tuhituhi o ngā tamariki i whānau, o ngā tāngata mate, o ngā mārena i te wā i takoto tiaki aua pukapuka a Te Wīremu minita o te Hāhi i Te Aute (TW 21/12/1878 supplement). / And it was known that the register of births, deaths and marriages was burnt when in the custody of Rev. Samuel Williams of Te Aute.

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See also mārenatanga

Synonyms: whakamoemoe, mārenarena, whakamoe, moumouranga, mārenatanga, moemoe, moenga


1. (noun) relative by marriage.

Kāore i te mōhiotia ko wai te whaea o Te Tahuri, engari he hononga ōna ki a Waikato me Ngāti Whātua. Nā ēnei kaireperepe ka uru atu a Te Horetā ki roto i ētahi pakanga i mate ai a Te Tahuri me tana hoa tāne (TTR 1990:192). / It's not known who Te Tahuri's mother was, but she had connections with Waikato and Ngāti Whātua. Through these ties through marriage Te Horetā became involved in some battles when Te Tahuri and her husband were killed.

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2. (noun) marriage gift - given by the husband to hi wife's father.

Ki te tino whakakāhore rawa tōna pāpā, ā e kore e tukua ki a ia, me homai e ia ngā moni e rite ana ki te kaireperepe mō ngā kotiro (PT Ekoruhe 22:17). / If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.

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Synonyms: kaihāpainga, kaipākūhā


1. (verb) (-tia) to seek in marriage, obtain (a young woman) as wife.

Te ope a Te Tauira i haere ki Tūranga ki te kaitamāhine i a Rakahanga (W 1971:90). / Te Tauira's party went to Gisborne to seek a young wife from Rakahanga.

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kai whāngai

1. (noun) traditional marriage celebration feast.

Na, nō te tau 1816 ka tū he kai whāngai, arā, he hākari pākūwhā mō Nohorua rāua ko tētahi wahine o Ngāti Rāhiri. Hei tuakana te Nohorua nei ki a Te Rauparaha. I whānau rā hoki ki te wahine matua a tō rāua pāpā. Hei utu i te kai whāngai ka rewa atu ngā waka o Ngāti Rāhiri ki Kāwhia. Ehara, ka huripoki ngā waka, ka kōharihari te kaihaukai (TTR 1990:297). / In 1816 a marriage celebration feast was held for Nohorua and a woman of Ngāti Rāhiri. This Nohorua was Te Rauparaha's older half-brother. He was born to the senior wife of their father. To reciprocate for the marriage celebration feast, the canoes of Ngāti Rāhiri set off for Kāwhia. But alas, the canoes overturned and the return feast was spoiled by water.

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1. (noun) dowry, marriage settlement.

I ētahi tikanga ā-iwi, e hiahiatia kia mauria e te wahine he kawanga reperepe ki tōna mārena (Ng 1993:112). / In some cultures, a woman is required to bring a formal dowry to her marriage (Ng 1993:112).

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2. (noun) buttock, moko marks on the buttocks.

tokorau moe

1. (noun) dissolution of marriage.

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