2. (noun) association, relationship.
Nā ētahi whakapiringa ōna o muri mai, ka ara ake te ngangare i waenganui i tana apataki (TTR 1996:155). / Because of other associations later, controversy arouse among his followers.
Synonyms: taunekeneke, hononga, pāhekoheko, whaitake, whakanohonoho, whanaungatanga, piringa
3. (noun) plastering, attaching.
Nāna i whakahaere ngā whakaritenga, mai i te tuatanga o ngā rākau ki te whakapiringa raima ki ngā pēke kua oti te tou ki te wai, te horoi hoki, kei ngā pakitara e mau ana (TTR 1996:47). / She supervised the arrangements, from cutting the trees to plastering the walls with cement over sacks that had been soaked in water and cleaned.