



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to marry - implies that a number of people marry.

Nō te mea kāore he wāhine o runga i tō rātau waka, nō te taenga mai ki Aotearoa nei, ka moemoe i ngā wāhine o ngā iwi i konei (HP 1991:10). / Because there were no women on their vessel, on arriving in Aotearoa/New Zealand they married women of the tribes here.

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Synonyms: moe, whakamoemoe, mārena,

2. (verb) to sleep, sleeping, asleep (of a number of people).

Ko ngā tamariki pēpe e moemoe ana i taua wā kātahi ka whakaarahia, ka pōkaikaha noa iho rātau ki te kimikimi i ō rātau pūtu me ō rātau kahu mahana, i te mea e rere ana te puaheiri i taua wā, me te hau hoki e pupuhi ana (TPH 10/1/1906:3). / The young children were asleep at that time when they were made to get up and they hurriedly looked for their boots and warm clothes because the snow was falling and the wind blowing.

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3. (modifier) dreamer, dreaming.

I te pō o tētahi rangi noa ake ka moemoeā a Kauhika, he whaea nō Te Rangi-kai-kore tēnei, he wahine moemoe hoki taua kuia (JPS 1919:92). / During the night of quite a different day, Kauhika, who was an aunt of Te Rangi-kai-kore, and a dreamer of dreams, had a vision.

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4. (noun) marriage, dream.

Kati, i tōna ohonga ake ka wareware i a ia te āhua o tana moemoe i whakakitea ki a ia i te pō (TKO 12/8/1918:12). / Well, when he woke up he had forgotten what his dream, that was revealed to him in the night, was about.

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Synonyms: moumouranga, mārenarena, mārena, whakamoe, mārenatanga, moenga, whakamoemoe

5. (noun) a variety of Māori potato with a purple skin and reddish-yellow mottled flesh.

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