1. (verb) (-a) to give in marriage, marry, join, fuse, blend, combine.
E kore rawa e taea e ngā tohunga ā-ture, tohunga matakite, mākutu rānei te whakamoemoe ki ngā tikanga Pākehā (TTT 1/11/1925:324). / Neither legal experts, seers nor experts in witchcraft will ever be able to blend them with Pākehā customs.
Synonyms: moe, moemoe, mārena, rā, tūhono, tūhonohono, hono, kuhukuhu, porotūtaki, porotūtataki, uhono, whakakapiti, tāpiri, whakauru, pāhekoheko, hiki, tūhoto, uru, whakatapoko, haumi, honohono, pūtahi
2. (verb) (-a) to bring under the influence of a sleep-inducing spell.
Ka rotua te whare e ngā wāhine rā, ka whakamoemoea kia moe (NM 1928:30). / The people in the house were put under a spell that put them to sleep.
3. (noun) marriage, union.
Nā ngā whakamoemoe taumau ki ngā mea pakeke a ngā tama a Rua, ki a Whatu rāua ko Toko, tēnei whakahononga i a Tūhoe rāua ko Te Whakatōhea (TTR 1996:178). / Tūhoe and Te Whakatōhea were linked by arranged marriages of Rua's eldest sons, Whatu and Toko.
Synonyms: moumouranga, mārenarena, mārena, whakamoe, mārenatanga, moemoe, moenga