1. (verb) (-ngia) to join, meet.
Ka tono a Te Rangimōwaho ki a Ngāti Koura, i runga i te kaupapa kia pūtahi rātau ki te pakanga ki te hoariri (TTR 1990:237). / Te Rangimōwaho made a request to Ngāti Koura that they join to fight the enemy.
See also waero pūtahi
Synonyms: karahui, whakatūtataki, hui, tūtaki, tūtataki, whakatūtaki, huihui, tūtakitaki, honohono, tūhono, tūhonohono, hono, kuhukuhu, porotūtaki, porotūtataki, uhono, whakakapiti, tāpiri, whakauru, pāhekoheko, hiki, tūhoto, uru, whakamoemoe, whakatapoko, haumi
2. (noun) confluence, intersection.
3. (noun) meeting place, centre.
Ko tōna pūtahi i te awa o Tauranga (M 2005:134). / Its meeting place was the Tauranga river.
Synonyms: tūtakitanga, kāpunipunitanga
4. (noun) long clouds, stratus - cloud forming a continuous horizontal grey sheet.
Ātaahua ana ngā pūtahi i ngā kaokao o te pae maunga (PK 2008:727). / The stratus clouds on the flanks of the mountain range are quite beautiful.
5. (noun) centre of the star-like pattern for mū tōrere.