1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to add on, supplement, append, join, add.
Ko rātau ētahi o ngā hōia tāpiri atu ki Te Hokowhitu-ā-Tū kua tae kē ki te pae o te pakanga (HP 1991:33). / They were some of the additional troops of the Māori Battalion that had already been to the combat zone.
E whitu, tāpirihia te whā, ka tekau mā tahi (7 + 4 = 11) (TRP 2010:261). / Seven, plus four, equals eleven (7 + 4 = 11).
Synonyms: kuhukuhu, whakauru, pāhekoheko, hiki, tūhoto, uru, whakamoemoe, whakatapoko, haumi, honohono, pūtahi, tūhono, tūhonohono, hono, whakakapiti, porotūtaki, porotūtataki, uhono
2. (modifier) additional, extra, more, supplementary, auxiliary, further, added.
I tōna koroheketanga ka whakamōhoutia e Tiramōrehu tōna kaha ki te kaitaonga whenua tāpiri mō Ngāi Tahu (TTR 1990:351). / In his old age Tiramōrehu renewed his efforts to obtain additional land for Ngāi Tahu.
Synonyms: anō
3. (noun) anything added or appended, assistant, extra.
Me te tāpiri atu o ngā tau 50 e tautokona whānuitia ana e te Māori te mana hirahira nā te tūranga kīngi i hoatu ki a ia (TTR 1996:225). / With the extra support of 50 years of widespread Māori recognition of the special status given to him by his position as king.
4. (noun) vigorous shoot growing up beside the main stem of a plant.
Ka tupu ngā tāpiri o te karaka nei (W 1971:384). / The vigorous shoots of this karaka tree grow.