1. (verb) (-a) to join, splice, add.
He mea wehewehe ngā mahi o taua piriti kia tae ki te wāhi hei hanganga kātahi ka honohono (TJ 18/1/1900:7). / That bridge was made in parts and when it arrived at the place where it was to be built they then joined them up.
Synonyms: pāhekoheko, hiki, tūhoto, uru, whakamoemoe, whakatapoko, haumi, kuhukuhu, tūhono, tūhonohono, hono, whakakapiti, porotūtaki, porotūtataki, uhono, pūtahi, tāpiri, whakauru
2. (noun) joint.
Synonyms: hononga, pāhekoheko, taihonotanga
3. (noun) joins, linkages, inlays.
Ko tēnei hepeta, arā tokotoko, he huhua ōna honohono nō ngā rākau huhua a te Māori (TKO 3/1915:5). / This sceptre, that is a staff, had many inlays of many Māori woods.