2. (noun) time, period, season.
Ā pau noa ngā rā tekau mā tahi me ngā pō hoki e tinei ana i te ahi, kore rawa e taea, i tēnei takiwā kua tata tonu te ahi ki te wāhi e takoto ana ngā pāka paura (HTK 8/7/1893:7). / And for eleven days and nights we were fighting to extinguish the fire without success and at this time the fire was quite close to the place where the boxes of gunpowder were lying.
Synonyms: tau, wā, kaupeka, houanga, mate wahine, mate marama, tahe
3. (noun) space.
I te wā i oti ai ngā mea katoa te hanga i runga i te mata o te whenua i roto i te whenua, i te takiwā, i roto i ngā wai, ka ui atu rātou me pēwhea te whakaputa i te ira tangata ki te ao (TTT 1/6/1924:63). / At the time all things were being created on the face of the land and in the earth, in space and in the waters, they asked how should the human element be created in the world.
4. (noun) setting.
Ko te takiwā o te whakaari, ko te Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao ki Karipori (RMR 2017). / The setting of the play is the Second World War in Gallipoli.
Synonyms: tautanga, rerenga, whakanoho, whakanohonoho