2. (adjective) be lustful, lust after (a woman).
I taua wā ko Te Kooti te kaiārahi o tētahi rōpū ririhau, he whānako hōiho, he mate wahine ngā mahi (TTR 1994:83). / At that time Te Kooti was the leader of a turbulent group involved in stealing horses and adulterous exploits.
Synonyms: mate kanehe, tūkari, mate tāne
3. (noun) period, menstruation, menstrual cycle.
I ngā rā o nehe, ko te kope te taputapu hei pupuri i te toto i te wā o te mate wahine (PK 2008:433). / In the olden days, kope were used to stop the blood flow during menstruation.
Synonyms: takiwā, mate marama, awa o te atua, tahe, waiwhero