1. (verb) (-ngia) to set (of the sun).
Ka pō, haere tonu i te pō, ao rawa ake i Te Whakakī, pō rawa atu i Mōhaka haere tonu i te pō, ao rawa ake i Kaiarero (Petane), haere tonu, pō rawa ake i Te Matau-a-Māui, arā ki Pourere (JPS 1926:97). / When darkness came they journeyed on through the night; when day arrived they had reached Te Whakakī; when night came they were at Mōhaka; they kept on throughout the night, when day came they were at Kaiarero (Petane); still they travelled on, and night found them at Hawkes Bay, that is at Pourere.
Synonyms: whakanoho, whakanohonoho, ahuahu, kōpā, whakamohiki, whakarākei, totoka, rehurehu, tetepe
2. (noun) darkness, night.
I te pō pēnā tonu te āhua o ngā tiriti me te pene hipi te apiapi (TP 2/1901:12). / At night the streets seemed to be as crowded as a sheep pen.
3. (noun) place of departed spirits, underworld - the abode of the dead.
Ko te tino hiahia hoki, kia puta atu ngā kōrero katoa a ō koutou tūpuna kua mene ki te pō (TTT 1/11/1930:2189). / And the main wish is to publish all the narratives of your ancestors who have gathered in the world of death.
Synonyms: Rēinga, Te