1. (noun) seat of affections, heart, mind, soul.
Ka tau mai ki ngā kura reo, e pau ana te hau, ka hoki atu e hikohiko katoa ana te ngākau (HM 4/2008:3). / I arrived at the language learning gathering worn out and when I returned home I was enthusiastic.
See also ngākau māhaki
Synonyms: whatumanawa, hinengaro, pīnati, hirikapo, ihomatua, poho
2. (noun) something used to indicate to a friendly tribe that their assistance was required in a warlike expedition. The ngākau might be an article sent or a song which was sung.
Ka kitea he kōhatu i roto i ana kai, ka mōhio te rangatira rā he ngākau tērā, e kimi āwhina ana tana hoa ki te rānaki i te mate o tana tamaiti (PK 2008:511). / When that chief saw a stone in his food he knew that that was a request that his ally was seeking help to avenge the death of his son.
2. (adjective) be disinclined, unenthusiastic, callous, dispirited.
He ngākau kore pea ki te haere mai kia kite i a mātou i kore ai e haere mai i mua? (TWMNT 27/6/1876:150). / Was it perhaps because of reluctance that they did not come to see before?
3. (modifier) disinclined, unenthusiastic, callous, dispirited.
Nā ēnei mate me te noho ngākau kore a tōna iwi, nāna a Mahuta i āki ki te rapu i tētehi puretumutanga mō ngā whenua o Waikato i murua rā i te tekau tau atu i 1860 (TTR 1996:86). / These weaknesses and the dispirited state of his people forced Mahuta to seek redress for the Waikato lands which were confiscated in the 1860s.
4. (noun) apathy, reluctance, indifference, lack of interest.
Kua tino kaha haere rawa atu tana ngākau kore nā runga i tana kore whiwhi mahi e utua ana (TTR 1996:96). / He had become increasingly dispirited because of his lack of paid employment.
Synonyms: whakatohetohe, korou kore, kōroiroi, whakatōngā
ngākau pōuri
1. (verb) to be offended, depressed, heavy-hearted, downcast, dejected, despondent.
Ko te tapahanga tuawhā tēnei; ka tāorotia hoki a Kororāreka. Nō konei ka ngākau pōuri a Nene (TTR 1990:66). / This was the fourth time it was cut down; and Kororāreka was sacked. Consequently Nene was personally heavy-hearted.
Synonyms: whakamauāhara
2. (noun) sad heart, heavy heart, distressed in spirit.
Tēnei te hoki mai nei me te ngākau pōuri, me te ngākau tangi mō koutou kua ngaro i ōku tirohanga kanohi, i ā tātou mahi, i ā tātou nohoanga tahi (TTT 1/4/1930:2029). / I return with a heavy and weeping heart for you who have gone from my sight, from our work and from dwelling together.
ngākau kiore
1. (noun) pokopoko, Clematis cunninghamii - woody climbing plant with yellowish green flowers found in the North Island.
See also pokopoko
Synonyms: poko, aka ngākau kiore, pokopoko, pokopoko nui a hura, pōpoko nui a hura
ngākau whiwhita
1. (verb) to be eager, all fired up, zealous, passionate, keen, ardent, fanatical.
Ka ngākau whiwhita te mahi a te whānau ki te hanga whare karakia hou (Ng 1993:540). / The family were keen to build a new church.
Synonyms: kohara, mate kanehe, manawawera, panapana, remurere, whitawhita, ngākau whakapuke, whiwhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngākaunui, ngangahau, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, takawhita, mōhukihuki, kama, kaikaha, tūkari, kōtaratara
ngākau māhaki
1. (noun) pleasant person, mild mannered.
Kua tae mai te rongo i te 2 o ngā rā o Hune nei, kua mau te rongo i waenganui i te Ingarihi me te Iwi Poa, arā, kua tino mutu te whawhai ki te pito whakatetonga o Awherika, he mea āta tuku i runga i te rangimārie me te ngākau māhaki (TPH 31/5/1902:6). / News arrived on 2 June that peace had been made between the English and the Afrikaners, in other words fighting has ceased in southern Africa and it has been settled amicably.
ngākau hihiko
1. (noun) be lively, spirited, switched on, ebullient, cheerful.
Hei kaiāwhina a Mēpara Mangakāhia mā Ella Leslie, kātahi kē nei te wahine matatau, ngākau hihiko rawa atu ko tēnei (TTR 1998:102). / Mable Mangakahia was assistant to Ella Leslie, an intelligent and ebullient character.
Synonyms: pākahukahu, hihiri, hihiko, hauoraora, ngangahau
ngākau tapatahi
1. (modifier) impartial, neutral, fair, unbiased, even-handed, non-partisan, unprejudiced.
E kī pēnei ana ngā kōrero mōna, arā, he tangata ngākau tapatahi, he tangata tino kokoi te hinengaro, ā, he tangata hūmarie, aroha ki te tangata (TTR 1990:387). / The accounts about him speak of him as a fair man of exceptional intelligence, a pleasant and kind person.
Synonyms: arero taiaha
2. (noun) impartiality, integrity, neutrality, fairness, even-handedness, non-partisanship.
Ko ngā kupu poroporoaki mōna, e whakahua ana i te tōkeke o tōna ngākau tapatahi me tōna whakaaro pai ki te Pākehā (TTR 1994:119). / The obituary for him recalled his strict integrity and his goodwill towards Pākehā.
oranga ngākau
1. (noun) comfort, relief, solace, reassurance.
He oranga ngākau te kite iho i te tokomaha o te hunga kei te whai kupu mō tēnei take (TAH 26:4). / It is reassuring seeing so many people speaking about this matter.
Synonyms: manawa tau, whakamāmā, whakaoranga, rīwhi, kaitoa
ngākau titikaha
1. (verb) to be confident, steadfast, unwavering, resolute, committed, dedicated, unswerving.
Kua ngākau titikaha rātou ki te whakawhiti whakaaro ki te reo i nāianei. / They are confident now to exchange ideas in the language.
Synonyms: rae pakari, manawa rahi, pūtohe, niwha, kiriūka, manawanui, marohi, mārohirohi, titikaha, whakakiriūka, pikoni, ū, pūkeke, aumangea, pukunanaiore, tōkeke
2. (noun) confidence,steadfastness, commitment, dedication.
Tērā tētahi waiata whakaaroha i titoa e te tūrehu, e Pareārohi, i puta tahi ai te ngākau titikaha me te ngākau pōuri (M 2011:74). / A poignant song of pride and regret, composed by the tūrehu Pareārohi, reflects how the human and spirit worlds interacted (M 2011:75).
ngākau pono
1. (verb) to be loyal, faithful, dependable, sincere.
Ka karanga nei au ki ngā tāngata Māori katoa e ngākau tika ana, e ngākau pono ana, kia kaua e whakapono ki ngā korero whakahē i tēnei kupu, ahakoa nā te Pākehā, ahakoa nā te Māori (TMT 15/3/1861:2). / I call upon all Māori who are true and faithful to not believe the negative statements, whether from Pākehā or Māori.
Synonyms: tinihanga kore, pono, houtupu, motuhenga, motuhēhē, pirihonge, pirihongo, horopū, piripono, tōmau, pirihonga
2. (modifier) loyal, faithful, dependable, sincere.
He karanga kia mataara, kia tautiaki te hunga ngākau pono mō tōna putanga mai (KO 15/8/1883:13). / It is a call to be alert and to take care of the people who believe in his coming.
3. (noun) loyalty, allegiance, dependability, sincerity, integrity.
Nā te ngākau pono me te ngākaunui o Ākenehi Hei ki tāna mahi i taea ai e ia te āwhina te iwi Māori ki te whakapai ake i ngā āhua o tō rātau hauora (TTR 1996:40). / By her conscientious and devoted work Ākenehi Hei was able to help the Māori people to improve their health standards.
Synonyms: pirihongo, piri, piripono, ngākaupono
ngākau reka
1. (verb) to have a positive attitude, have a favourable attitude, have a good attitude.
Ngākau reka ana a Whina i tana kitenga i te kaupapa e whakamahia ana, ā, ko tōna whakaaro ki a Apirana, he tangata titiro whānui, he tangata whakatepe, tino mōhio kē nei ki te mahi ahu whenua (TTR 2000:40). / Whina was favourably impressed when she saw the schemes being carried out, and her opinion of Apirana was that he was a visionary, a practical man with considerable knowledge of farming.
2. (noun) positive attitude, favourable attitude, good attitude, gratitude.
Kei ana whaikōrero mai i te tau 1936 ki te Whare Pāremata e kitea ai tana koa, tana manawa tau me tana ngākau reka ki te ōritetanga o ngā iwi katoa i roto i ngā ture a te kāwanatanga mō ngā take toko i te ora (TTR 1998:221). / His speeches to parliament from 1936 reflect his joy, relief and gratitude at the racial equality inherent in the government's social welfare legislation.
ngākau whakapuke
1. (verb) to be enthusiastic, interested, keen, zealous.
Ahakoa ngākau whakapuke ana te oti i a ia o te whakarite i ngā moni hai whakatū whare me ērā atu painga anō mō ngā hōia o tōna ake kamupene, kakari kē ana te Tari Whakanohonoho ki te aukati i āna mahi (TTR 1998:189). / Despite being enthusiastic in arranged housing loans and other benefits for the soldiers of his own company the Rehabilitation Department attempted to curb his activity.
Synonyms: whiwhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngākaunui, ngangahau, whitawhita, ngākau whiwhita, kōtaratara, tūkari, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, takawhita
2. (noun) enthusiasm, interest, gusto, keenness, zeal.
I rite anō ki āna mahi o mua rā te kaha me te ngākau whakapuke o Hāmiora ki te mahi i te katoa o ēnei mahi āna (TTR 1996:95). / The energy and enthusiasm that Hāmiora undertook all of this work was just the same as he has always undertaken his tasks.
Synonyms: kaikaha, rika, tāwheta, whiwhita, ngākaunui, wana, matangareka, whitawhita, whakaongaonga
2. (noun) optimism.
Ahakoa ngā raruraru o ngā tau kua hipa, kei te titiro mātou ki mua me te ngākau rorotu. / Despite the problems of past years, we are looking ahead with optimism.
Synonyms: mariu
2. (noun) empathy, sympathy, compassion, kindheartedness, kindness, consideration, caring, benevolence.
Kaua rawa atu koe e whakamanamana, engari me haere koe i runga i te ngākau whakaiti me te ngākau aroha (EM 2002:228). / You must not be boastful, but you should go with modesty and compassion.
Synonyms: tauwhirotanga, manaakitanga, ngāwari, atawhai