1. (verb) to be favourably disposed towards, favour, prefer.
Me te whakapae anō ko tōna iwi o Ngāti Porou me tōna whānau tāna i mariu ai (engari, kīhai he whakaaturanga hai tautoko i tētahi o aua whakapae nei) (TTR 1996:110). / And the allegation that he favoured his tribe, Ngāti Porou, and his family (but there was no evidence to support any of those allegations).
2. (noun) optimism, favouritism, bias, preference, partiality.
Engari i tana whaikōrero whakamutunga kāore i mahue i a ia te tikanga o te kaupapa whakaurunga, tae atu ki te mariu o tana whakaaro mō te āhua anō o te whakawhanaunga ā-iwi (TTR 2000:177). / But in her last speech she did not omit the topic of integration and the optimism she had for race relations.
Synonyms: ngākau rorotu