1. (modifier) kidney.
Kua roa kē e pāngia ana e te mate whatumanawa ina mate neki (TTR 1994:23). / Prior to his death, for a long time he had been suffering from kidney disease.
Synonyms: mama, tākihi, atewhatukuhu, whatukuhu, whanewhane
2. (noun) seat of emotions, heart, mind.
Pū ngātahi ai te ngākau tapatahi me te pukumahi i te wahine nei, i riwhariwha nei te whatumanawa i te matenga o te maha o tōna whānau (TTR 2000:30). / This woman combined integrity with hard work, despite a heart scarred by the deaths of many of her family.
Synonyms: ngākau, hinengaro, pīnati, hirikapo, ihomatua, mahamaha, ate
3. (noun) kidney.
E patu toropuku ana te tupeka i te tangata i te rā, i te rā, ā, e āta haere nō ana whakaninihitanga ki te patu i te ate, i ngā whanewhane, i ngā whatumanawa, i ngā pongaponga, i ngā wheua, i ngā roro, i ngā niho, i ngā makawe, i ngā karu, i te korokoro, i ngā uaua, i te toto, i te arero, i te kirimoko (KO 15/7/1884:8). / Tobacco gradually kills a person each day and slowly and insidiously it kills the liver, the lungs, the kidneys, the nostrils, the bones, the brains, the teeth, the hair, the eyes, the throat, the arteries, the blood, the tongue and the skin.
4. (noun) bowels (of the earth).
Haere atu, e kui, ki te whatumanawa o roto o te whenua (W 1971:492). / Farewell, elderly lady, go to the bowels of the earth.