2. (modifier) honouring, revering, esteeming, respecting, venerating.
I te wā i tū ai te koroua nei ki te whaikōrero i unuhia e ia tana koti ahakoa e ua tonu ana. Ko tāku nei whakamāoritanga o tērā mahi āna he tohu whakarangatira i te tūpāpaku, ka tahi (Rewi 2005:92). / At the time when this elderly man stood to make his speech he took off his coat although it was still raining. My explanation for that action is that, firstly, it was a symbol of reverence for the deceased.
3. (noun) veneration, honouring, respect, regard.
He wahine hūmārire, aroha ki te tangata, kāore tōna whakarangatira i a ia ahakoa kua taka iho te mana o tōna matua o Rangitūkehu ki a ia (EM 2002:7). / She was a lovely woman who cared for people and was unpretentious despite the mana of Rangitūkehu falling on her.
Synonyms: kōtua, whakangākau, whakamiha, maruwehi, kauanuanu, rāhiri, whakaute, ngākau whakaute