



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to welcome, receive cordially.

Ehara hoki koe i te mea haramai noa, he mea rāhiri mārire nā ngā tāngata o Heretaunga nei (TWM 19/9/1863:2). / It's not as if you just turned up, but you were especially invited by these people of Heretaunga.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to admire, esteem, respect, venerate, appreciate.

3. (verb) (-tia) to grieve over, mourn, sorrow for.

4. (verb) to be in even file (of a group of travellers).

Kia rāhiri tō tātou haere (W 1971:320). / We should travel in even file.

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5. (modifier) welcoming, of welcome.

Ko te iwi nāna te reo rāhiri ko te iwi Hāmi ki te Whenua i Nōwei (HM 4/1996:4). / The people who welcomed us were the Sami people of Norway.

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6. (noun) welcome.

Nō muri koe i tae mai ai, me te rāhiri a tō tāua kaumātua, a Porokoru (TWM 19/9/1863:2). / After that you arrived and there was the welcome by our elder, Porokoru.

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7. (noun) rope.

Nō tōna ngaromanga ki roto ki ngā wai o te moana, ngaro atu i te tirohanga o te kanohi o te tuakana, ka rere mai te tuakana, tapahia ana te rāhiri, ka motu (MM.TKM 1/2/1855:25). / When he had disappeared into the waters of the sea, and was no longer visible to the eye of his elder brother, the rope was cut by the elder brother.

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Synonyms: taura, tāwai, pūrengi, kaha, taukaea, whakaheke, kārure, rino

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