3. (noun) grief, sorrow, heartache.
Mā te aha i ēnei kupu nei hei mamahutanga ake i te huamo tarariki e ngau kino nei (Kāretu 2010:12). / These words are better than nothing to soothe the bitter grief that gnaws at me.
4. (noun) rising.
Kua tae mai ngā rongo hou i Hāwa e kī ana ko te whakapupuketanga ake o te moana i ērā takiwā, kotahi rau putu te kōkiritanga whakareretanga ake o te huamo, kahakina ana e te moana ngā kaipuke i runga i te mata o te tai, takoto rawa i te tuawhenua, ngā kaipuke e toru māero te mamao atu i te tapātai (KO 15/10/1883:6). / News has arrived from Java saying that the sea has risen one hundred feet in that region, and the force of the rise in the wave has carried ships on the surface of the tide so that they lie right inland three miles away from the coast.
Synonyms: pukenga, panuku, hurunga, whakapupuketanga, huru