1. (verb) to glow, rise (of the sun).
Māku tēnei, mā te rā e tō ana. He aha kei a koe? Kei te rā e huru ake ana (NP 2001:280). / This is for me, for the sun that is setting. What is for you? It is the sun that is rising. (A whakataukī about an elderly person whose life is fading, but a young person has the future.)
2. (modifier) rising, glowing.
Ka mea atu a Turi, "Me anga tāua ki te rā huru." (NM 1928:95). / Turi said, "We must head towards the rising sun."
Synonyms: pukenga, panuku, hurunga, whakapupuketanga, huamo
3. (noun) glow.
Kei te noho a Apakura i runga i tōna whare, ka titiro atu. Ka kitea e ia te huru o te ahi. Ka mau ia te huruhuru ki te rangi (Tr 1874:49). / Apakura was sitting on the top of her house, watching. She saw the glow of the fire.