1. (verb) to be strong, energetic, vigorous, invigorated, spirited, lively.
Kei tēnei iwi pea te tauira mō tātou katoa ki te kore tātou e ū, e pākahukahu kia mau tō tātou reo (HM 2/1989) / Perhaps this tribe is the example for all of us of what will happen if we aren't resolute and energetic in retaining our language.
Synonyms: ngākau hihiko, hihiri, hihiko, hauoraora, ngangahau
2. (noun) strength, energy, vigour.
Taro kau ka hoki ake te pākahukahu, ka kōrero iho ki te hunga (W 1971:250). / In a short time his strength returned and he spoke to the group.