2. (verb) to slip, slump, slide (of earth).
I horopu tonu i runga puta noa ki raro (JPS 1926:244). / It slipped from the top right down to the bottom.
3. (modifier) staunch, genuine, steadfast, loyal, firm, dependable.
Nāwai ka whai mana ētahi o tēnei minenga ki ngā tōrangapū o te rohe, tae atu ki te toa horopū tauā o Ngāti Porou i a Rāpata Wahawaha rātou ko te mema pāremata mō te Tai Rāwhiti i a Wī Pere, ko Ānaru Mātete hoki, tērā i tahuri ki te whakapono Pai Mārire me te mau pū mō Te Kooti (Te Ara 2015). / Some of this gathering later became major figures in the politics of the region, including the staunch fighter of Ngāti Porou, Rāpata Wahawaha, MP for Eastern Māori, Wī Pere, and Ānaru Mātete, who converted to the Pai Mārire religion and become an armed follower of Te Kooti.
Synonyms: pirihongo, ngākau pono, piripono, tōmau, pirihonga, pirihonge