arero taiaha
1. (intransitive verb) to remain independent and on good terms with both sides in an argument or fight.
Ko ētahi kei te mihi i a Hōne, mōna i arero taiaha i roto i tērā whawhai, engari ki a au nei, he noho taiapa kē tāna mahi (HJ 2017:18). / Some are praising John for keeping on good terms with both sides in that dispute, but I think he was just sitting on the fence.
2. (modifier) diplomatic, tactful, neutral - of keeping on good terms with both sides in an argument or fight.
Me tangata arero taiaha hei takawaenga mō roto i ērā tūmomo whakatete (HJ 2017:18). / To be a mediator in those types of disputes one must be on good terms with both sides.
Synonyms: ngākau tapatahi
3. (noun) one who tries to not to take sides in an argument or fight.