1. (verb) (-tia) to lighten, mollify, relieve.
Nō te taenga ki Ōrongorongo, ka huri atu ki te whakamāmā i te pīkaunga a Te Wera o Ngāti Mutunga, te kaimataara i a ia; ā, nanao kē atu ki tana pātītī, ka patua a Te Wera (TTR 1990:223). / On arriving at Ōrongorongo Te Korou set about lightening the load of Te Wera of Ngāti Mutunga, the person who was watching him; and he grabbed his long-handled tomahawk, and killed Te Wera.
Synonyms: whakaoraora, whakahirihiri, whakaokioki, mirimiri, whakamauru, whakaturi
2. (modifier) relief.
Tukua ana e Eruera tana reta kia huri haere ki ngā Mema Reipa katoa, e whakahau ana hei kaupapa mā te Rōpū Reipa, te mahi whakaōrite i te utu ki te Pākehā me te Māori, mō ngā mahi whakamāmā e mahia nei e te hunga kore mahi (TTR 1998:221). / Eruera circulated a letter to all Labour MPs demanding that it be Labour Party policy that the rates for relief work performed by the unemployed should be the same for Māori and Pākehā.
Synonyms: kaitoa, manawa tau, whakaoranga, oranga ngākau, rīwhi