



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

(ko) tāua/tātou tahi

1. that makes two of us, me too, you and me, that goes for both of us, that goes for all of us, us too - an idiom used to express agreement or support for someone else's statement. Tāua is used when only two people are being referred to, tātou when more than two are involved.

Kāore au i te mōhio he aha te tikanga o taua kupu. Ko tāua tahi tēnā. / I don't know what the word means. That makes two of us.

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1. (particle) still, continues, unceasing, continuously, simply - a manner particle that denotes continuance, permanence or exactness and follows immediately after the word it applies to. Often used with the verbal particles which have a progressive or continuous sense, i.e. e ... ana, kei te ... and i te ... Where tonu follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. In this situation the passive ending may be dropped from the verb, but not from tonu.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 57, 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 91-92;)

Mehemea i te ora tonu ia, kua kite i te ātaahua o tana mokopuna. / If she was still alive, she would have seen how beautiful her grandchild is.
I nuku atu i te rua rau ngā waiata i titoa e Tuīni e maumahara tonutia ana i nāianei (TTR 2000:132). / Tuīni composed more than two hundred songs which are still remembered today.

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2. (particle) nonetheless, all the same, still - indicates permanence or stability of a procedure, arrangement or idea.

I tū tonu tā mātou kura reo, engari i kawea ki tētahi marae kē atu. / Our language school was still held, but it was taken to another marae.

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Synonyms: aua atu (rā)

3. (particle) very, indeed, exceedingly, indeed, even, in fact, right, just, really, only - used to intensify or to emphasise. Often used with statives and adjectives.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 125; Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 119-120;)

tonu te rūma i te wāhine. / The room was full of women.
He matatau tonu a Tio ki te kōrero i te reo Māori. / Joe is very fluent in speaking Māori.
E hia ngā kakī i kitea e kōrua? Kotahi tonu. / How many black stilts did you two see? Only one.

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Synonyms: anahe, nahe, anake, matau, tikanga, take, tōtika, matatika, mōtika, rā pea, , koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, ata, rā anō, rānō, tino, tata, ake, noa iho, mārire, mārika, mārie, heipū, ia rā, ia, noa ake, tōkeke, noa, tou, tika, kau

4. (particle) on the contrary, of course, do so, do too, can too, are so - to show disagreement with a statement just made.

Rangi: E mea ana ia kāore ōna hū omaoma. Hine: He hū omaoma tonu ōna. Kei te karo kē pea i te oma (HJ 2015:58). / Rangi: She is saying that she has no running shoes. Hine: On the contrary she does have some running shoes. She is probably dodging the run.
Kei te maumahara tonu au. / Of course I remember.

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Synonyms: engari, engaringari, anō, ehara

5. (particle) as soon as, immediately, promptly, forthwith, without difficulty - expresses the idea of immediacy, without delay or with little need for effort.

tonu mai te karanga, ka whakaeke tō mātou ope. / As soon as we heard the call, our party went onto the marae.

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Synonyms: ake, tere, wawe

6. (particle) quite, fairly, so so - to indicate didn't or hasn't yet reached its full potential or been fully realised.

I pai tonu, engari kāore i inati te pai (HJ 2015:59). / It was quite good, but not exceptional.

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Synonyms: tino, noa iho, tou, (ko) tōna ... (nei), kāhua, hengahenga, hangehange, āta, kere, koia, rawa, āhua, anō, noa

7. (particle) almost, just about, virtually.

Kua pau tonu te paraoa. / The bread is almost finished.

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8. (particle) just like, exactly the same - when following rite.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 26;)

Kātahi, ka whakatika atu tētahi o ngā rangatira, ko Te Taero te ingoa. Anā, rite tonu hoki āna kupu ki ā ngā mitinare (JPS 1990:139). / Then one of the chiefs stood up. His name was Te Taero. Behold, his words were also exactly the same as the missionaries'.

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See also rite tonu, he rite tonu, kia rite tonu

Synonyms: anō, me kore ake, me/mai/mei kore ake ..., mai kore ake, mei kore ake, rite tonu

9. (particle) always, all the time, continually (when following rite).

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 29;)

Ko tēnei wāhi i mōhio whānuitia, ā, he rite tonu te peka atu o ngā ope haere ki te whakangā, ki te whakahauora (TTR 1990:74). / This place was well-known and travelling parties stopped off all the time to rest and refresh.

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See also rite tonu, he rite tonu

āmiki rawa tēnā

1. too much detail, too much information - an idiom.


1. (particle) also, and, too, as well - often preceded by anō when used this way. In the phrase it comes after manner, directional and locative particles, if they are present.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 44-45, 129;)

Ka haere atu anō hoki ahau. / I'll be going too.

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2. (particle) for, because, on account of - will often express the connection of that phrase or sentence to the previous one, as its cause, i.e. to indicate the reason for something.

Ka noho ia ki raro, ka pōuri hoki ia ki a ia e kataina ana e ōna hoa. / He sat down because he was upset that he was being laughed at by his companions.

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Synonyms: , , nō te

3. (particle) Word giving emphasis.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 58; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 22;)

Tō tere hoki! / How quick you were!
Nō hea hoki tēnā whakaaro? / Where the heck did you get that idea from?

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See also tō ... hoki

kei runga noa atu!

1. top-notch! great! too much! outstanding! on to it! - an idiom praising someone for his/her outstanding work.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 196;)

Kei runga noa atu rāua ki te tiaki i ō rāua mātua. / They are so good at caring for their parents.

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See also kei runga noa atu [koe]

kei runga rawa atu koe!

1. you're the one! you're too much! - an idiom praising someone's outstanding work.

kino kē koe

1. gee you're the one, you're good alright, you're too much, awesome - an idiom in which koe may be replaced for other appropriate personal pronouns, etc.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 77;)

Kino kē te mahi a te autaia rā. / What that bloke's done is awesome.

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See also te kino kē hoki


1. (verb) to be better than expected, not too bad, pretty good.

He nanakia tonu te āwhina a te iwi (HP 1991:80). / The effort of the people was not too bad.

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Synonyms: autaia, tōna [pai] nei

2. (modifier) crafty, treacherous, deceitful, cruel.

Nā, ko Pōkai, ko tērā i hoki mai rā i te ara, rātou nei ko Rangi-tā-whakarere mā, ko tō Ngāti Kura tangata, i runga i te maunga o tētahi o ngā tāngata nanakia rā, ka tae a Hau-tukia rāua ko tōna irāmutu, a Rangi-ta-whakarere, ko tēnei whenua ko Wai-keri - ahu atu ki Pari-o-tonga (ko te pā o Ihenga i whakaekea e Ngā Puhi i ōna rā), ka tukua mōna (JPS 1911:180). / Now, Pōkai, who returned with Rangi-tā-whakarere and others, belonged to Ngāti Kura; and on account of his having caught one of the robbers, Hau-tukia and his nephew Rangi-ta-whakarere made over to him the land of Wai-keri - right up to Pari-o-tonga (which was the pā of Ihenga that was assaulted by Ngā Puhi).

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3. (noun) demon, pest, villain, scoundrel, tricky character, interesting character.

Ka āhua mārama ake ki tōna āhua i ngā kōrero paki mōna: he wā he nanakia, he wā he atua tonu (TTR 1990:358). / It's somewhat clear as to his nature from stories about him: sometimes he was a villain and at other times he was a hero.

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Synonyms: riha, kīrearea, iroiro, whakapōrearea, tainanakia, taurekareka, nauhea, nauwhea


1. (particle) indeed, really, exceedingly, exactly, so, very, quite, especially - a manner particle following immediately after the word it relates to to indicate extremeness or excessiveness. It may be used after all types of bases, but particularly with negatives, adjectives and verbs as described below. Where rawa follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. In this situation the passive ending may be dropped from the verb, but not from rawa.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44, 91-92;)

Hangaia rawatia he whare hou mōna (TTR 1996:134). / A new house was built especially for her.

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Synonyms: koia, āhua, anō, tino, noa, tonu, kere, āta, hangehange, hengahenga, kāhua, (ko) tōna ... (nei), tou, noa iho, katoa, i neki, inā, ata, rā anō, rā pea, rānō, mārie, mārika, mārire, ia rā, koa, tinana, koia, koia,

2. (particle) eventually, finally, as soon as, by the time, only when, right up until - indicates a significant time lapse or effort and often follows verbs without verbal particles in subordinate clauses. Often followed by mai, atu, ake or iho.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 113;)

Tae rawa atu ia, kua moe kē a Herewini. / When they eventually arrived Selwyn was already asleep.

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Synonyms: rā anō, ā, noa

3. (particle) not at all, never - following negatives to strengthen the assertion of the negation.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 90;)

E kore rawa rātou e whakaae ki tēnā. / They will never agree to that.

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Synonyms: auare ake, nōhea, hore kau, kāhore kau, hore rawa, tōu ene, weta, nōwhea

4. (particle) too, overly, unduly - this usage indicates an unsatisfactory degree of a quality or attribute (either excessive or inadequate).

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44;)

Ka nui rawa ō moni! / You've got too much money!

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5. (particle) very, extremely, so, most - when preceded by an adjective and followed by atu it expresses the superlative.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44;)

He ātaahua rawa atu tēnei wāhi. / This place is extremely beautiful.

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6. (particle) all the way, completely, right to, right above - when following location words.

I kumea te waka ki uta rawa. / The canoe was dragged all the way up the beach.

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Synonyms: rānō, rā anō

7. (particle) until, till - following kia and a verb.

Me tatari koe kia tae rawa mai te pahi. / You had better wait until the bus arrives.

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8. (particle) must, really had better - following me and a verb, it intensifies the meaning of the obligation.

Me hoki rawa mai koe ā mua o te weheruatanga o te pō. / You really had better return before midnight.

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Synonyms: mātua, me, hōpurupuru

9. (particle) highest - when following runga.

I piki a Tāne ki te rangi o runga rawa. / Tāne climbed to the highest of the heavens.

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tino kino te pai

1. quite the best, too much, that's great - an idiomatic expression.


1. (verb) to be late, last, too late, overdue, behind time.

Nā tā māua mahi, ka tōmuri au i aku akoranga i te kura (HP 1991:27). / Because of what he and I were doing, I was late for my classes at school.

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Synonyms: ukauka, tērā, tauhiku, tauhikuhiku, reiti, whakamutunga, muringa, takaroa, tūreiti, akutō, tōmuringa, mātāmuri, nō tērā, i tērā

2. (modifier) late, last, too late, overdue, behind time, recent.

Nō ngā tau tōmuri o te tekau tau atu i 1870, ka noho a Te Mahuki me ētehi atu o Ngāti Kinohaku ki Parihaka (TTR 1994:146). / From the late 1870s Te Mahuki and other members of Ngāti Kinohaku lived in Parihaka.

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Synonyms: hōu, hou

3. (noun) latecomer, late arrival, lateness.

Kore rawa e whakaae. He mōhio nōku i te tōmuri o te tīmata o ngā whakataetae, kāore e kore pōuri hākerekere ana, ka mutu pea (HP 1991:249). / I would not agree because I knew that with the late start of the competition without a doubt it would be dark when we would probably finish.

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Synonyms: tūreititanga, tūreiti

tōna [pai] nei

1. so so, not too bad, quite good, OK I guess, somewhat, sort of - an idiom used to give qualified praise. Also used to indicate qualified agreement with someone else's statement.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 140-141;)

I pēhea tāu hararei? Tōna pai nei. / How was your holiday? It was OK.
Tau: Kei te wera tō kawhe? Ira: Mmm tōna wera nei (HJ 2012:41). / Tau: Is your coffee hot? Ira: Mmm it's OK I guess.

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Synonyms: nanakia, autaia


1. (loan) (stative) be late, too late.

Nā te aha koe i tūreiti ai? / Why are you late?

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Synonyms: muringa, takaroa, reiti, tōmuri, akutō, tōmuringa

2. (loan) (noun) lateness, things arriving late.

Ko ngā tāngata i aru hiku atu, aruaru kau atu ana, i te kaimau, i taua pēke kānga, hoi anō tō rātou i whiwhi, ko te tūreiti ki te mahi rīwai mō tēnei tau (TW 12/2/1875:4). / The people who followed after the bearer of the bag of corn, all they possessed was being too late in putting potatoes in for this year.

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Synonyms: tūreititanga, tōmuri


1. (verb) to be early, quickly, too soon, prematurely, immediately.

Rongo ana au i te kaikaranga e hū mai ana ka tangohia e au ngā tīni me te kara o taku hōiho kia wawe ai te tae ki ngā poti i tātahi (Wh3 2003:14). / As soon as I heard the caller cooeeing, I took off the chains and the collar of my horse so that I could be at the boat at the beach quickly.

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Synonyms: porokere, tangetange, kimonga kanohi, tere, rere

2. (modifier) soon, quickly, rapidly, early, prematurely, promptly - used as an adverb to indicate something happening earlier than expected.

Kua roa rātou e tarahae ana; te āhua nei e kore tēnei take e tatū wawe (PK 2008:862). / They have been bickering for a long time and it would seem that this matter will not be settled in a hurry.
Mehemea i tukuna wawetia mai ngā pātai kua kaha au ki te whakarite kōrero mō te reo irirangi. / If the questions had been sent promptly I would have been able to prepare statements for the radio.

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Synonyms: tere, tipitipi ana, tonu, ake

3. (modifier) before, first.

Ko Keita i mate wawe i tona tāne, i a Tiemi (HP 1991:25). / Kate died before her husband, James.

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tūreiti e te iwi

1. (loan) too late - an idiomatic expression.


1. (verb) (-tia) to be too often, overmuch, in surplus, excessive.

Kia whā tekau ana whakapānga ki a ia, kaua e maha ake: he mea hoki, ki te tuhene, ā ka maha atu i ēnei ngā whakapānga, nā ka iti tōu teina ki tāu titiro (PT Tiuteronomi 25:3). / Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed: lest, if he should exceed, and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother should seem vile unto thee.

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2. (modifier) surplus, excess.

Nā te whakaaro i puakina e te kōmihana a Taute rāua ko Ngata i 1907–08 kia hokona ngā whenua tuhene, ka kaha kē ake te pukuriri o ngā tuhituhinga a Rēweti (TTR 1996:68). / With the recommendation of the Stout–Ngata commission in 1907–8 that surplus Māori land should be sold, Reweti's writings became even more impassioned.

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3. (noun) surplus, excess, extra, surfeit.

Nā me tatau e ia ngā tau i hokona ai, ā ka whakahoki i te tuhene ki te tangata i hokona atu ai (PT Rewitikuha 25:27). / Then let him count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it.

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1. also, too - a shortened form of anō hoki commonly used in northern dialects.

Ka mahara ia ko ngā kōrero mōna, e pā ana nōki ki ana mātua. / He considered what had been said concerning himself and also his parents.

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kei runga noa atu [koe]

1. [you're] top-notch! [you're] great! [you're] too much! [you're] outstanding! [you're] on to it! [you're] the bomb! - an idiom praising someone for his/her outstanding work.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 196;)

Kei runga noa atu rāua ki te poapoa i ngā tāngata ki te whakauru mai ki Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau. / They're so good at enticing people to enrol in the Auckland University of Technology.

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kāore/kore (kē) he painga i [a Mea]

1. [so-and-so] is very good at, [you're] too much, [you're] on to it, no flies on [you], no sweat, without peer, no comparison, [you're] the best - an idiom used to say how very good someone is at a particular activity, or how excellent something is.

Kāore he painga i a Poia mō te tito waiata. / Poia is outstanding at composing songs.
Kore he painga i a koe mō te kōrero paki. / You're too much at telling yarns.
Mō te komekome, kāore he painga. / For whinging, she’s without peer.

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See also kāhore he painga ki a


1. (verb) to be extraordinary, strange, not bad, better than expected.

I autaia tonu taku teina ki te purei tēnehi. / My younger sister is not too bad at tennis.

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2. (adjective) be pretty good, not too bad - a colloquialism used to say that a person, or something a person has done, is good or quite good and perhaps better than expected.

He autaia tonu te kōhine rā ki te kōrero Māori. / The girl over there is pretty good at speaking Māori.

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3. (modifier) pretty good, not too bad.

Arā anō ētahi tāngata autaia nei te matatau ki te reo (HM 2/1994:3). / There are some other people who are pretty fluent in the language.

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Synonyms: nanakia, tōna [pai] nei

4. (modifier) difficult, troublesome - when used before a noun.

Ko ngā taitamariki tonu i kaha ki te whakawai i ō rātou pakeke ki te hokohoko i ō rātou whenua. Ka noho kino te iwi. Tautohetohe tonu ngā tamariki ki ngā pakeke. Ko Rāniera Te Iho-o-te-rangi rāua ko Te Mānihera Te Rangi-taka-i-waho me te tama anō hoki a Te Hiko, me Wī Tāmehana ngā autaia totohe nei (TTR 1990:190) / It was the younger youths who urged their elders to sell their lands. This caused conflict amongst the tribe. The children argued with the elders. Rāniera Te Iho-o-te-rangi and Te Mānihera Te Rangi-taka-i-waho along with Te Hiko's son, Wī Tamehana, were involved in this troublesome dispute.

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5. (noun) fellow, bloke, guy, chap, tricky character - sometimes implies a sense of mischief.

I reira ngā koroheke o Taranaki e kōhumuhumu, e tūmatakuru ana ki te whakahīhī rawa o te autaia nei, kei te tamariki tonu ka tū ki te marae o te Kīngi (TTR 2000:30). / There the Taranaki elders were whispering and in consternation at the arrogance of this bloke, who was still a child daring to stand on the King’s marae.

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6. (noun) amazing contraption, wondrous sight, extraordinary thing - a term used for something strange, unusual, unfamiliar or awesome. Sometimes a sense of humour is involved in the use of the term.

Katahi ka rere taua autaia nei. Aeha! Me te aha? Me te uira ka hiko i te rangi tōna rite o te haere. Kīhai i mau i te kanohi te hopu te āhua o ngā otaota me ngā rākau o taua whenua i te tere o te haere o taua rerewē (TWMNT 19/5/1874:138). / Then that amazing contraption sped on. Amazing! What was it like? It travelled like the lightning in the heavens. The eye could not catch the appearance of the vegetation and the trees of the land, such was the speed of the train.

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