2. (modifier) late, final.
I whānau a Te Ahiko i ngā tau muringa o te rau tau 1700-1799, i te tīmatanga rānei o te rau tau 1800-1899 (TTR 1994:135). / Te Ahiko was born in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century.
3. (location) afterwards, after that, later, subsequently.
Muringa iho ka haere ake a Hōhepa me ngā tāngata o Ōruanui (TKM.MM 1/5/1862:6). / Hōhepa and the people of Ōruanui came afterwards.
Synonyms: hai kō ake nei, i muri, i muri mai, ka taka te wā ..., meāke, taihoa ake, mea ake, nō muri, auina ake, taihoa, tāria te wā, ā muri ake nei, auina iho
4. (noun) youngest child, junior relative.
Ko ia te muringa o ngā ariki o tōna whakatupuranga o Ngāti Toa (TTR 1990:264). / He was a junior relative of the senior Ngāti Toa leaders in his generation.
Synonyms: teina