1. (verb) to be late, last, too late, overdue, behind time.
2. (modifier) late, last, too late, overdue, behind time, recent.
Nō ngā tau tōmuri o te tekau tau atu i 1870, ka noho a Te Mahuki me ētehi atu o Ngāti Kinohaku ki Parihaka (TTR 1994:146). / From the late 1870s Te Mahuki and other members of Ngāti Kinohaku lived in Parihaka.
3. (noun) latecomer, late arrival, lateness.
Kore rawa e whakaae. He mōhio nōku i te tōmuri o te tīmata o ngā whakataetae, kāore e kore pōuri hākerekere ana, ka mutu pea (HP 1991:249). / I would not agree because I knew that with the late start of the competition without a doubt it would be dark when we would probably finish.
Synonyms: tūreititanga, tūreiti