1. (verb) (-tia) to be enslaved.
Nō muri mai i tō rātou whakarerenga i tērā kāinga i te tekau tau atu i 1850, ko te āhua nei, i noho kē mai ia ki Te Ara-a-Kiwa, kia kore a ia e whakahokia ki Wharekauri, taurekareka ai (TTR 1976:172). / After their abandonment of that home in the 1850s, it would seem that she settled in Foveaux Strait to avoid returning to the Chatham Islands, to slavery.
2. (modifier) dastardly, shameful, low, base, dishonourable.
Kātahi te mahi taurekareka rawa atu a ngā kaimahi Pākehā i kitea ko tēnei! (TTR 2000:122). / This was the most dastardly action ever committed by Pākehā workers.
Synonyms: pāpaku, hangahanga, hakahaka, hahaka, māteatea
3. (noun) captive taken in war, slave, prisoner of war.
He tikanga hē te whakatupu ake i ngā kōtiro hei pononga, hei taurekareka mā te tāne (TTT 1/12/1929:1955). / It is wrong to raise girls as servants and slaves for men.
4. (noun) scoundrel, idiot, rascal, rogue.
Ko wai te taurekareka nāna nei i waiho te hō ki konei takoto ai? (HW 1969:59). / Who was the idiot who left the spade lying here?
Synonyms: whiro, nauwhea, nanakia, tainanakia, nauhea