2. (noun) skin.
E patu toropuku ana te tupeka i te tangata i te rā, i te rā, ā, e āta haere nō ana whakaninihitanga ki te patu i te ate, i ngā whanewhane, i ngā whatumanawa, i ngā pongaponga, i ngā wheua, i ngā roro, i ngā niho, i ngā makawe, i ngā karu, i te korokoro, i ngā uaua, i te toto, i te arero, i te kirimoko (KO 15/7/1884:8). / Tobacco gradually kills a person each day and slowly and insidiously it kills the liver, the lungs, the kidneys, the nostrils, the bones, the brains, the teeth, the hair, the eyes, the throat, the arteries, the blood, the tongue and the skin.
1. (modifier) offensive, rude, affronting, objectionable.
Kātahi ngā kōrero harehare nāu. Whakarērea atu (W 1971:37). / What you said is so objectionable. Stop it.
Synonyms: āhuaatua, pakirara, mataharehare, piro, hākiki, kōkiri, whakaweriweri, weriweri, kino, tukituki, maninohea, whakaparahako, kerakera, anuanu, mōrihariha
2. (noun) skin rash, sore, eczema, skin ailment, skin disorder.
Ko te rongoā tēnā mō te harehare ki te hipi (TWMNT 28/5/1873:60). / That's the treatment for the eczema with sheep.
2. (noun) epidermis, outer skin, skin cuticle, outer cellular layer of the skin, outer cellular layer of a cell.
He mea hanga te kiritai o te pūtau tipu ki te pūtauhuka (RP 2009:361). / The epidermis of a plant cell is made of cellulose.
Synonyms: kiri tai
3. (noun) top coat (painting).
Ko tā te kiritai, he whakapūahoaho i ngā tae o te peita (RTA 2014:103). / The purpose of the topcoat is to make the colours of the paint clearer.
1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to skin, tear the skin off, tear back, peel, pare.
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to strip.
Tīhorea ake te tuanui o te whare o te teihana rerewē i Hetingi; ko ngā rino papa o runga i o taua whare i kāhakina e te hau ki mamao noa atu (TWMNT 3/11/1874:277). / The roof of the Hastings railway station was stripped of its covering, the sheets of corrugated iron on that building were carried a considerable distance by the wind.
3. (verb) to clear up (of rain).
Tīhore mai i uta, tīhore mai i tai, he rangi ka maomao (W 1971:416). / The rain's clearing on shore and at sea, it's a day when the rain will stop.
4. (verb) to be cloudless (of the sky).
E tīhore ana te pō, he hukapapa (W 1971:416). / The night is clearing, there will be a frost.
5. (modifier) bare, clear.
He wāhi anō e 20 tonu māero te whānui, engari he maunga teitei, he pari tīhore (TPH 10/4/1905:2). / It's a place 20 miles wide, but it's a high mountain with bare cliffs.
6. (noun) flax variety, Phormium tenax - one of the best varieties of harakeke.
Synonyms: harareka, kohungaiti, harakeke, kōrari
kiri waitutu
1. (modifier) dark-skinned, dark-red skin.
Ko ngā kiri waitutu katoa he whanaunga ki a tātau, e kaha ana tō mātau whakaaro whakapiri ki ngā iwi kiri waitutu o Te Moana-nui-a- Kiwa (TPH 30/1/1900:8). / All dark-skinned people are related to us and our thoughts are akin to the dark-skinned people of the Pacific Ocean.
2. (noun) dark-skinned person, dark-red skin.
He kiri waitutu tērā tangata a Murupaenga, he tangata tūkaha te tipu, atamai te āhua (TTR 1990:62). / That man Murupaenga was a dark-skinned person, strongly built, with an intelligent expression.
2. (noun) wrinkle, fold, crease - on something smooth.
Ahakoa pēhea taku haeana kāore tonu e ngaro ngā ngene nei (PK 2008:525). / No matter how I iron, these wrinkles will not disappear.
2. (noun) dark skinned person, black - sometimes written as two words, i.e. kiri mangu.
E ngaweki ana te mano o te tāngata i ōna tiriti - te kirimā, te kiri kaunenehu, me te kirimangu (HKW 1/3/1899:4). / Thousands of people crawled along its streets - the white skinned, the swarthy-complexioned and the black-skinned.
1. (modifier) white-skinned, fair-skinned - sometimes written as two words, i.e. kiri mā.
I taku kōrero tuatahi i tuhituhia e au ngā whakahāweatanga a ngā iwi kirimā i ngā iwi kirimangu (HKW 1/10/1902:2). / In my first discussion I wrote about the prejudice of white-skinned people against black people.
2. (noun) fair-skinned person.
Me tino whaihanga he ture hei whakahau kia whakaranu te mārenarena a te kirimā ki te kirimangu (TTT 1/8/1931:18). / Laws should be made to encourage mixed marriages of fair-skinned and dark-skinned people.
2. (noun) longfin eel, Anguilla dieffenbachii - usually grow up to 1.2 metres long weighting 10 kilograms, but exceptionally can be 2 metres long weighing over 50 kilograms. Females are typically twice as long as males. Body uniform in colour from dark brown to grey-brown dorsally and silvery ventrally. Widespread throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand freshwater ways, except above swift rapids or waterfalls.
Synonyms: reherehe, ngoingoiwaha, kūwharuwharu, ōrea, arokehe
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to slip up, pull up (e.g. a shirt sleeve).
Ko te tino tangata ko te tangata e pahuhu ana i ngā ringaringa o tōna hāte, e mahi ana i te tīkākātanga o te rā, e maringi nei te kakawa i tōna mata, ko te tino rangatira tēnei (TP 4/1908:8). / An important person is the one who slips up the sleeves of his shirt, works in the heat of the sun and the perspiration pours from his face, this is a chief of status.
3. (verb) to be quick (of travel).
Synonyms: pakē
4. (verb) to peel, stripped away (of the skin, etc.).
Ko te kaumātua nei, ko Kōhuru te ingoa, ko ōna tau kai kō atu i te 70, pau katoa ngā huruhuru o te māhunga me ōna pāhau hoki i te ahi, i pahuhu katoa ngā kiri o te tinana me te konohi hoki i te kainga a te ahi (TPH 15/8/1903:6). / This elder, whose name was Kōhuru, was over 70 years old, and the hair on his head and beard was all burnt off by the fire, and the skin of the body and face had peeled off from the effects of the fire.
5. (noun) foreskin.
I tapahia tōna pahuhu i a ia e kōhungahinga tonu ana (PK 2008:561). / He was circumcised when he was quite young.
2. (noun) magazine.
I tuhi a Rōpiha i ētahi pūrongo i 'Te Ao Hou', ā, i āwhina atu hoki ia ki te ārahi i ngā kaupapa a te maheni nei i ōna tau tuatahi (TTR 2000:188). / Rōpiha wrote articles for 'Te Ao Hou', and he also helped guide the magazine’s policies in its early years.
Synonyms: makahīni, pukapuka maheni
1. (noun) skin disease, rash, itch, scabies - a contagious skin disease causing severe itching.
Ehara i te Māori anake te iwi kainga te kiri e te mate nei, e te hakihaki (TTT 1/8/1927:640). / It's not as if only Māori are affected by this skin disease, scabies.
See also waihakihaki
Synonyms: kauhikahika, remurere, waihakihaki, mahaki, kōpukupuku, hīkaka, pokerenoa
2. (noun) worn out mat.
Me raranga he whāriki hou mō te wharenui, ka whiu atu ai i ngā hakihaki. / New mats should be woven for the meeting house, and then throw away the worn out ones.
2. (noun) underpainting, undercoat, primer (painting).
Nā te kiriwai i tino kitakita ai ngā tae (RTA 2014:104). / The primer makes the colours very intense.
1. (noun) belly, abdomen.
Heoi, ka noho nei te taniwha, ko tana mahi, he patu i ngā tira haere; arā, he kai i ngā tāngata, horopuku tonu, ahakoa he kawenga tā te tangata, ka horomia pukutia e taua taniwha — ahakoa he tamaiti i runga i te hākui e waha ana, ka heke tahi rāua ki roto i te kōpū o te taniwha nei — ahakoa ngā tokotoko me ngā taiaha, ka pau katoa te horo (JPS 1905:200). / And so the taniwha remained there. His occupation was killing the travelling parties - that is, he used to swallow them whole, even if they had loads on their backs they were swallowed up by that taniwha - mothers carrying children on their backs, they went down together into the belly of this taniwha - even walking sticks and taiaha, they were completely swallowed up.
2. (noun) womb, uterus.
Ko te kupu ‘whenua’ mō Papatūānuku. Heoi, arā anō tērā mahinga o te kupu ‘whenua’ mō te ewe, te kaiwhāngai, te kaitauawhi i te tamaiti e tipu ana i te kōpū o tōna whāea (Te Ara 2015). / 'Whenua' is the word for land. However, there is another use of the word 'whenua' for the placenta, the organ that nourishes and supports the child growing in the womb of its mother.
3. (noun) midst, bosom - often used in the phrase kōpū o te whenua or kōpū o Papatūānuku in reference to burial of the dead.
Haere rā, whakangaro atu i a koe ki te kōpū o te whenua, ki ngā rua kōiwi o ngā mātua, tīpuna ē, haere rā, haere atu rā! (EM 2002:190). / Farewell, disappear to the bosom of the earth, to the burial place of the bones of the parents and ancestors, farewell, depart!
Synonyms: waenganui, waenga, waengarahi
4. (noun) belly skin with down (of a bird) - used as an ornament.
Kua herua ake taua tangata rā i te pō, kua tiatiaina ki te raukura, e rua kōpū toroa ki ngā taringa (NM 1928:84). / That man had combed up his hair that night, stuck a feather plume in his hair and had two belly skins of albatross down in his ears.
5. (noun) inner garment.
Ko te pūeru i waho, ko te kahakaha i roto, ko te kōpū i roto rawa (NM 1926:116). / The course cape on the outside, the kahakaha underneath and the kōpū right inside that.
2. (noun) person, self - a figurative use.
2. (noun) indentation, cavity, nook, cavity.
I te pō ka mui ki uta ngā kororā, ki roto i te otaota o te ngahere ki runga ake o tātahi, ki roto rānei i ngā korukoru o ngā pari o te moana (TKM 30/8/1849:2). / At night the blue penguins swarm ashore into the vegetation in the bush above the beach, or into the hollows of the sea cliffs.
Synonyms: kona
2. (modifier) large, heavy, substantial.
Pāhoro ana te katoa o Takrouna, āpiti atu ki ngā mau herehere, 300 te nui, me ētehi pū kūpara rahi nei (TTR 2000:114). / The whole of Takrouna was captured, together with over 300 prisoners and some heavy artillery.
Synonyms: matarahi, rarahi, katete, korahi, tetere, matararahi, mātua, nunui, whakahara, mokorahi, pūhetī, kaitā, mātuatua, mokorarahi, rahi, pūwharu, whakatikotiko, pūharu, pūwheti, tuangea, ruarangi, nui, hira
3. (noun) cape made of totally black dog skins.
4. (noun) size, extent, calibre.
He tō toru, kore, toru te kūpara o te pū (Ng 1993:46). / It was a .303 calibre rifle.