2. (verb) to move forward.
Tē katete, tē aha (W 1971:103). / It would not move forward or do anything.
Synonyms: kauneke, koke, paneke, pānekeneke, whakaahu whakamua
3. (verb) to be large, overweight, hefty.
Kaua e tukuna kia katete rawa tātou, kia hēhē ngā manawa i te tino mōmona rawa (Wh3 2003:134). / Do not allow ourselves to become too large because the heart has problems if we are very overweight.
Synonyms: ngenge, nunui, whakahara, mokorahi, pūhetī, kaitā, mātuatua, mokorarahi, rahi, kūpara, whakatikotiko, pūharu, pūwheti, tuangea, ruarangi, nui, hira, pūwharu, matarahi, rarahi, korahi, tetere, matararahi, mātua
4. (noun) size, largeness.
Kīhai i tino rite ki te tohorā kātua, engari me te kūao a te tohorā nei te katete (TKP 26/4/1858:4). / It wasn't very like an adult whale, but like its calf in size.
Synonyms: matarahi