2. (adjective) be horrible, offensive, awful, ugly, disagreeable, abominable, disgusting.
3. (modifier) horrible, offensive, awful, ugly, disagreeable, abominable, disgusting.
Kātahi tonu au ka pai ake i tētahi mate weriweri i pā mai ki a au (HP 1991:14). / I had just recently recovered from a horrible illness that had afflicted me.
Synonyms: mōrihariha, whakaweriweri, mōrikarika, hākiki, kōkiri, kino, tukituki, maninohea, whakaparahako, mataharehare, kerakera, anuanu, harehare, piro
4. (noun) offensiveness, nastiness, unpleasantness, repulsiveness, horribleness, abomination, horror.
Kāore rawa e wareware i a au te weriweri o tēnā aituā (HP 1991:288). / I will never forget how horrible that accident was.
Synonyms: whakaweriweri, manuheko, maninohea, mōrihariha, āhuaatua