1. (verb) to be cold, offensive, disgusted, appalled, ugly.
E mate hoki ngā ika i roto i te awa, ā e piro te awa; ā e anuanu ngā Ihipiana ki te inu i te wai o te awa (PT Ekoruhe 7:18). / And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink of the water of the river.
2. (modifier) offensive, disgusting, appalling, ugly.
He rite te āhua o te tiki ki tētahi tangata anuanu kei te raka ōna waewae, kei te tītaha tōna māhunga (Te Ara 2013). / The hei tiki looks like a distorted human figure sitting cross-legged, its large head tilted to one side.
Synonyms: mōrihariha, harehare, piro, hākiki, kōkiri, whakaweriweri, weriweri, kino, tukituki, maninohea, whakaparahako, mataharehare, kerakera
3. (modifier) cold.
Ko tētahi wāhi e āhua pūmātao ana, tae atu ki ngā wāhi tino anuanu i te haupapa, i te hukarere (KO 15/6/1882:1). / One part is somewhat cold, including the part that is really cold with ice and snow.
4. (noun) aversion, cold.
Takoto mai rā i te anuanu, i te mātaotao! (M 2004:26). / Lie there in the cold and the chill!