1. (verb) to be horrible, unpleasant, abominable, disgusting, offensive.
Pare: Kia kite kē koutou i ana whakaahua. Te pai kē. Rangi: Ata koia! I pēnei au he mōrihariha katoa. Pare: A heoi anō, kei te āhua tonu pea o tō titiro (HKK 1999:128). / Pare: You should see her photograph. She's beautiful. Rangi: Really! I thought she was horrible. Pare: Oh well, perhaps it depends on how you look at it.
2. (modifier) horrible, unpleasant, abominable, disgusting, offensive.
Kātahi nā te kōrero mōrihariha! (PK 2008:474). / What a horrible thing to say!
Synonyms: anuanu, harehare, piro, hākiki, kōkiri, kino, tukituki, maninohea, whakaparahako, mataharehare, kerakera, whakaweriweri, weriweri, mōrikarika
3. (noun) horribleness, unpleasantness, offensiveness, dreadfulness.
Whakaihi ana te whānau i te mōrihariha o te hara (Ng 1993:128). / The family were appalled at the dreadfulness of the crime.
Synonyms: maninohea, āhuaatua, whakaweriweri, weriweri