1. (verb) (-a) to sweep, scrape.
Kaua e tahitahi maroketia te rūma o te tūroro, engari me tīehuehu ki te wai kia kore ai e rere te puehu (TTT 1/7/1922:11). / Do not sweep the invalid's room when it's dry, but you should splash it with water so that the dust will not fly about.
See also taitai
Synonyms: kowani, kaku, waku, wakuwaku, pākēkē, waru, wani, harakuku, hāro, rakaraka, raraku, tīwani, honihoni, kauhoro, wharowharo, raku, tuakuku, okoi, rakuraku, weku, hākuku, whawharo, waruwaru
2. (verb) (-a) to peel, scrape.
Ka tahuri ētahi o ngā pakeke ki te mahi hāngī, ki te tahitahi rīwai, ki te raranga rourou, ki te tapahi wahie, me ērā atu mahi mō te hāngī (TWK 1:26). / Some of the adults set about making the hāngī, peeling potatoes, platting food baskets, cutting firewood and other tasks for the hāngī.
Synonyms: waru, hiako, hohore, hore, peha, pīhore, pīra, hihore, hīhorehore, waruwaru, tīhore