1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to scrape, scratch.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 10-11;)
I raraku ana ringaringa i te kōhatu rā, e mau nei anō i nāianei, e mau nei anō te rakuhanga i te kōhatu (JPS 1894:171). / She scratched the rock with her hands and the scratch marks are still on the rock today.
Synonyms: rapi, rarapi, hārau, rapirapi, haehae, tiwha, riwha, nanatu, hae, weku, hākuku, kowani, tahitahi, waruwaru, whawharo, kaku, waku, wakuwaku, pākēkē, waru, wani, harakuku, hāro, rakaraka, tīwani, honihoni, kauhoro, wharowharo, raku, tuakuku, okoi, rakuraku
2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to gently scratch the hand as an amorous gesture.
Ka toro mai te ringa o te wahine nei, ka raraku (NM 1928:165). / This woman stretched out her hand and scratched him affectionately.
3. (noun) scratching, scraping, scratch marks.
I te ngārara nei e kari ana i tōna huarahi ki roto i te kiri, ka māeneene te kiri, ka tīmata te raraku a te tamaiti (TTT 1/8/1927:640). / When the insect is digging its way into the skin the skin becomes itchy and the child begins scratching.
Synonyms: hāro, honihoni, hākuku, waruwaru, rapirapitanga, haehae, harakuku, rapi, rapirapi
4. (noun) strumming, strum.
Ka puta tōna reo mā te katokato i te au, mā te raraku, mā te pākuru rānei ki tētahi rākau iti (RTP 2015:47). / Its voice emerges by plucking the string, by strumming, or by striking it with a small stick.