1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to scratch.
I te wā i pūhia ai e ia a Mekiniri, ka hopungia ia e ngā tāngata, mau rawa ake ia i ngā tāngata kua motumotu katoa tōna konohi i ngā tāngata te rapirapi, kua ngaro katoa hoki i te toto (TPH 16/9/1901:7). / At the time when he was shooting McKinley he was captured by the men and as soon as he was caught by them his face was all scratched and he was covered in blood.
Synonyms: harakuku, rakaraka, raraku, rapi, haehae, hārau, raku, rakuraku, rarapi, tiwha, riwha, nanatu, hae
2. (noun) scratching.
Synonyms: haehae, harakuku, raraku, rapi, rapirapitanga