1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to remove the outer coating, scrape, grate, pare, shear, peel.
Synonyms: tīhore, kutikuti, kuti, whakatītaha, tītaha, whakaiho, katikati, hīhorehore, waru, hiako, hohore, hore, peha, pīhore, tahitahi, pīra, hihore, wharowharo, raku, tuakuku, okoi, rakuraku, weku, hākuku, whawharo, kauhoro, honihoni, tīwani, raraku, rakaraka, hāro, harakuku, wani, pākēkē, wakuwaku, waku, kaku, kowani
2. (modifier) paring, scraping, grating, shearing.
I whakatenetene tonu nei te kaiwhakaako o Pine a Rotohiko Haupapa, he whao waruwaru noa nei tāna, ki te whāki atu i ngā muna whakairo a Te Arawa ki ngā kaiako o Ngāti Porou (TTR 1998:186). / Pine's teacher, Rotohiko Haupapa, was using only the paring chisel, and was reluctant to reveal the secrets of Te Arawa carving skills to the students from Ngāti Porou.
3. (noun) removing the outer coating, shearing, paring, scraping, grating.
Tīhema. Ko ngā mahi mō tēnei marama, rite tahi ana ki ō tērā kua pahemo atu rā, arā, te mahi kāri, te whakatō purapura, te ngaki otaota, te hanga taiepa, te kāta rākau, te waruwaru i ngā hipi, me te whakamaroke i ngā tarutaru hei kai mā te hōiho (TKM.MM 16/12/1861:20). / December. The work for this month is the same as that for the one just passed, that is, working the garden, planting out seeds, weeding, erecting fences, carting wood, shearing the sheep, and making hay as food for the horses.
Synonyms: katikati, kutikuti, kuti, hākuku, raraku, hāro, honihoni