2. (verb) (-a) to scrape clean, scrape - used especially with scraping flax for muka.
Tētahi mahi nui e taea e koutou ko te mahi hāro muka (TWM 28/10/1870:4). / One of the main activities that you are able to do is scraping flax.
Synonyms: pākēkē, waru, wani, harakuku, rakaraka, raraku, tīwani, honihoni, kauhoro, kowani, raku, tuakuku, okoi, rakuraku, weku, hākuku, whawharo, tahitahi, waruwaru, wharowharo, kaku, waku, wakuwaku
3. (verb) to be very low (of the tide).
4. (modifier) calm, smooth (of the sea).
5. (modifier) scraping.
E kōrerotia ana mea ake hangaia e te Pākehā he mira hāro muka i te taha ki Waikouaiti, i ō Ngāi Tahu (TWM 27/5/1869:6). / It is being said that a mill for scraping flax fibre will soon be built near Waikouaiti in Ngāi Tahu territory.
6. (noun) scraping.
Kei Wairau nei te tapahi witi me te patu anō; me te parau whenua, me te hāro muka (TWMNT 27/8/1873:104). / Here in Wairau there is reaping and threshing wheat, ploughing land and scraping flax fibre.