1. (verb) to enter, input (computers) - enter information by means of the keyboard or other input method.
Kōwhiria te momo kete e hiahia ana koe ki te hanga, ka whakaingoa ai i te kete me te tāuru i ō ihirangi i mua i te pāwhiri Tiaki (TKI 2017). / Select the type of basket you want to make and then name the basket and enter your content before clicking Save.
1. (verb) (-a) to throw, pitch (a ball), dispose of, trash (computer).
Mēnā kua hipa kē te rā mōnehu, porowhiua, ka tiki i tētahi mea hou (HM 2/2004). / If the expiry date has passed, throw it away and fetch a new one.
See also korowhiu
pūmanawa rorohiko
1. (noun) computer software.
I tipu ake he rakahinonga hou – ngā kaihanga kiriata, ngā kaihanga pūmanawa rorohiko, ngā kaikōpiro waipiro, ngā kaitunu kai me ngā kaihoahoa kākahu (Te Ara 2012). / A new breed of Māori entrepreneur developed – film makers, computer software developers, brewers, chefs and clothes designers.
1. (verb) (purihia,puritia) to hold, retain possession of, keep, hold on to, grip, restrain, keep in the memory, save (computer), burn (a disk).
Ka warua katoa ngā tapeha, māmā ana tērā ki te pupuri (HP 1991:15). / When the bark was scraped off it was easy to hold.
Synonyms: puripuri, puri, tiaki, pupuru, whakapupuri, whakawhenua, whakaita, paraire, nati, whakatina
2. (modifier) retaining, holding.
Ko tā Hīria he kohi rimurapa hei hanga pōhā tītī, he raranga kete pupuri pōhā hei kawe mai i ngā tītī i te motu (TTR 1996:71). / Hīria's task was gathering bull kelp to make bags for preserving muttonbirds, and weaving baskets to hold the kelp bags to transport the muttonbirds from the island.
3. (noun) retention, retaining.
I nanao atu ia ki ngā taonga o te ao hou, me te pupuri i ngā tikanga o te ao tawhito (TTR 1990:27). / He grasped hold of the treasures of the new world while retaining the practices of the old world.
1. (verb) (purutia) to hold, retain possession of, keep, hold on to, grip, maintain, restrain, keep in the memory, clasp, save (computer).
Ka tata rawa ki te ū ki uta, ka tahuri te kōpapa nei, ka mau te kōtiro kaumātua ake ki tētehi o ngā tamariki ka kau ki uta, ka mau tētehi o rāua ki tētehi tamaiti ka pupuru tonu ki te waka (TH 1/8/1859:4). / When they had almost reached the shore this small canoe capsized and the oldest girl grabbed one of the children and swam ashore, while the other one grabbed another child and held on to the canoe.
Synonyms: tuarā, whakanonoi, puri, tiaki, pupuri, puripuri, whakapupuri, whakatina, nati, whakaita, paraire, whakawhenua
2. (modifier) retaining, holding.
I uru katoa ngā Māori ki roto i te raruraru o Taranaki i runga i te kaupapa pupuru i tō rātou mana (TTR 1994:195). / All Māori were involved in the Taranaki troubles for the purpose of retaining their mana.
3. (noun) retention, retaining.
Ko tā rātou whakapono mā te kotahitanga o ngā iwi i raro i te kīngi kotahi, he ōrite te mana ki tō te Kuīni o Ingarangi, ka mutu ai te pakanga a tētehi iwi i tētehi, te pupuru a te iwi Māori i te whenua Māori (Te Ara 2016). / Their belief was that by unifying the people under one sovereign equal in mana to the Queen of England, intertribal conflict would end and the retention of Māori land would be achieved.
2. (verb) (-tia) to repeat (any process), do again, copy, backup (computer), duplicate, dub.
I te taha o te awa rā, o Te Rere-o-Kapuni, ka rongo a Rātana i te reo e tārua ana i ētahi kupu a Tītokowaru (TTR 1996:153). / Beside the stream, Te Rere-o-Kapuni, Rātana heard a voice repeating words of Tītokowaru.
3. (noun) copy, duplicate, reproduction.
Āhua nui tonu nei ngā tārua kiriata i tukua ki Poihākena hei tohatohanga ki ngā whare tapere o reira (TTR 1998:172). / Several copies of film were sent to Sydney for theatre distribution there.
Synonyms: kape, whakaputa uri
2. (verb) (-na) to look after, nurse, care, protect, conserve, save (computer).
I runga i te kupu a Henare Parata, ka tukua mai e te Tari Māori i Pōneke he nēhi, arā, he wahine tiaki tūroro (TP 2/1903:11). / On the word of Henare Parata, the Native Affairs Department in Wellington sent a nurse, that is, a woman who cares for sick people.
Synonyms: pupuri, pupuru, poipoi, tieki, tūpore, taute, pena, penapena, nāhi, nānā, tapuhi, morimori, nēhi, mohimohi, hiki, whakatapuhi, taumaru, whakahaumaru, whakaruru, rī, manaaki, whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, rauhī, parahau, araarai, whakahau, whakangungu, whakamaru, pare
3. (verb) (-na) to have custody of.
Me haere tonu rātou ki te kōti, arā te Kōti Whānau, ki te tono mō tētahi pepa ki te hiahia rātou ki te tiaki tonu i ngā tamariki mō ngā rā katoa (RT 2013:80). / They must go to court, that is to the Family Court, to request a form if they wish to have full-time custody of the children.
4. (verb) (-na) to hold in trust, administer for others.
Ka kaha kē nei te āwhina a Meihana i te whānau o tana wahine, o Kahu, tiaki hoki i ō rātou pānga whenua i te poraka o Reureu, me tana tiaki, whakanui atu hoki i te marae o Te Hiiri (TTR 1998:32). / Mason unstintingly assisted members of his wife, Kahu's, family in managing their interests in the Reureu block and in maintaining and extending Te Hiiri marae.
5. (verb) (-na) to wait for, watch for.
Kei tātahi ia e tiaki ana i te waka o Karihi kia ū mai (W 1971:414). / He is at the beach waiting for Karihi's canoe to land.
6. (noun) looking after, protection, safeguarding.
Ko te tino kaupapa a Te Whiwhi ko te tiaki i ō rātou whenua (TTR 1990:345). / Te Whiwhi's primary focus was the protection of their lands.
See also tiakanga
Synonyms: tiakitanga, papare, whakangungu rākau, waonga, amarara, hamarara, parahau, whakahau, pare, puapua, tiakanga, whakamaru, whakangungu, kaikaro, taumaru, whakahaumaru, pātūtū, taumarumaru
1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-na,-tia) to pick out, take one at a time, take a little here and there, highlight, cull, single out, select (computer).
2. (noun) sample, selection, sampling.
Mēnā he nui rawa te taupori o tētahi tūhuratanga tauanga, ka whiriwhiria he tīpako hei whakaata i taua taupori (TRP 2010:290). / If the population being studied in a statistical investigation is very large, a sample is selected to reflect that population (TRP 2010:290).
Synonyms: whakatauira, tauira, tīpakonga, kōwae, kōwhiringa, whiringa, kōwhitinga
2. (verb) to be corrupted (computers).
3. (modifier) corrupted (computers).
Me aha e ahau ngā kōnae hāmate? / What should I do with the corrupted files?