1. (verb) to tend, nurse, care for, take care of.
Ki ngā tangata o Taitoko, ko 'Granny Retter' tā rātou karanga i a ia, te wahine nāna i mohimohi ngā tīpuna whāea, ngā tamariki hoki o taua tāone, ā, ko ia anō hoki te tauhere atu ki ngā rā o nehe o te ao Māori, Pākehā anō hoki (TTR 1996:163). / To the people of Levin, their name for her was 'Granny Retter', the woman who had cared for their first generation of mothers and babies, and who was a link with the past of the Māori and Pākehā worlds.
Synonyms: nāhi, tapuhi, morimori, tiaki, nēhi, nānā, whakatapuhi, hiki
2. (verb) to be smooth, sleek, silky.
Kia kori te manu, ā, kia mohimohi rānei ngā huruhuru, he tohu kino (W 1971:205). / Should the bird wriggle about or the feathers be sleek, that was a bad sign.