2. (verb) (-tia) to take care of, tend, foster, protect.
Ki tā ngā kaiarotake, e whakaari ana tēnei i tā Te Taura Whiri rauhī i te reo Māori, me tana tū hei kaihautū i roto i ngā mahi whakaora ake i tēnei taonga a tātou (HM 1/1999:4). / According to the evaluators, this reflects Te Taura Whiri's care of the Māori language and its standing as a leader in the revival of this treasure of ours.
Synonyms: taumaru, whakahaumaru, whakaruru, rī, manaaki, tiaki, whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, parahau, araarai, whakahau, whakangungu, whakamaru, pare