1. (verb) (-tia) to shade, shadow, protect.
Ko ā rātou mahi e taumaru iho ai i ngā kapua hīnakipōuri o te mamaetanga o te pōuritanga me te auētanga (KO 15/7/1885:8). / Their task is sheltering them from the gloomy clouds of pain, depression and grievance.
Synonyms: tiaki, whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, rauhī, parahau, araarai, whakahau, whakangungu, whakamaru, pare, whakahaumaru, whakaruru, rī, manaaki, taumarumaru, marumaru, maru, kōruru, ataata, atarau, whakamomoka, whakamokamoka, ātārangi
2. (modifier) shady, overshadowing, shaded.
Ka noho ngā kapua taumaru o te pakanga ki ngā keokeonga o Rūhia, o Parani, me ērā atu o ngā iwi nunui o Ōropi (KO 16/4/1888:2). / The overshadowing clouds of the war sit on the peaks of Russia, France and those other large nations of Europe.
Synonyms: kauruku, marumaru, maru, tūmaru, tāmaru, pūruru, pāruru, taumarumaru
3. (noun) shade, shadow, protection, shelter.
I te wā i tū ai te Kīngi i kīia ka rite ia ki te tāhūhū o tētahi whare, ka waiho ia hei taumaru mō te katoa, otirā i pupuri tonu ia tangata, ia tangata, ia iwi, ia iwi, i ō rātou whenua ake (TWMNT 8/5/1877:117). / At the time when the King was set up, he was said to be like the ridge pole of a house, and he afforded shelter for all, but each man and tribe kept their own land.
Synonyms: ruruhau, pātakitaki, pāruru, tūrutu, whakaruru, whakamauru, whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, maru, piringa, tāwharau, tīhokahoka, whakamaurutanga, kaikaro, whakahaumaru, pātūtū, taumarumaru, tiaki, tiakitanga, papare, whakangungu rākau, waonga, amarara, hamarara, parahau, whakahau, whakangungu, pare, puapua, tiakanga, whakamaru