1. (verb) (-ia) to fall, fall over, lose, knock down.
Ka hinga au ki raro (HP 1991:23). / I fell down.
He Pākehā tērā nō Kaipara, i hingaia e te rākau. Ka whara tōna tuarā, ka mauria ia ki Ākarana, ka rongoatia tōna mate e tētahi tākuta i reira, ā, ka ora (TTT 1/1/1925:171). / There was a Pākehā from Kaipara who was knocked down by a tree. His back was injured and he was taken to Auckland for it to be treated by a doctor there, and he recovered.
2. (stative) be defeated, killed, outdone, beaten, fallen over, overcome, smitten.
3. (noun) loss, fall, defeat, death.
I tēnei wā i rongo a ia i te hinga kōkiritanga o Moana, me te hinga anō hoki o tōna kōkā, i aituā nei i te motokā (TTR 2000:178). / At this time he heard that Moana had been killed in action, and of the death of his mother in a car accident.
Synonyms: ruihi