2. (verb) (-a) to reach.
Kua tīmata anō te wahine ki te mau roroa i te panekoti. E tika ana anō, i te mea kua tae kē ngā panekoti o nāianei ki runga ake i ngā turi (TTT 1/9/1929:1064). / Women have again started wearing longer skirts. And that's appropriate because currently skirts have reached above the knees.
3. (verb) (-a) to extend to, as far as, until.
Nā, kia rongo mai koe; kāore rawa ā Te Urewera whenua i tae mai ki konei (W 1971:355). / Now, you should hear what I'm saying; Te Urewera's lands do not extend to here.
4. (verb) (-a) to overcome, take, prevail over.
E rua ngā āhua o tēnei whaiwhaiā, he tangata kāore i tae ki te wahine, he tangata i tae tonu ki te wahine i moea hei wahine tūturu māna (TPH 31/8/1904:2). / There are two functions of this witchcraft, for a man who is not able to take a woman and for a man who has taken a wife in a permanent relationship.
Synonyms: where, pāpā, wikitōria, whakatina, tārū, hinga, poke, raupatu, takapapa, pārure, whakatūoi, mate, whara, poko, kake