



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) end, last, concluding, final, finale.

I ngā tau whakamutunga o tōna koiora, ka toro atu te kairīpoata kōrero rā a Chris Barlow i Waimangō ki te kite i a ia (TTR 1996:234). / In the last years of his life, a journalist, Chris Barlow, visited him at Waimangō.

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Synonyms: mātāmuri, nō tērā, i tērā, ukauka, tērā, tōmuri, tauhiku, tauhikuhiku


1. (particle) again, more, same - a particle that sometimes indicates that an event is repeated or additional. Usually comes after manner, directional and locative particles, if they are present.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 67;)

Me hoki mai anō ia. / She must come back again.
Kei te pēhea koe? Heoi anō, ko taua āhua anō. / How are you? Oh well, just the same.

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Synonyms: tāpiri

2. (particle) another, other, in addition.

He tiakarete anō māu? / Would you like another chocolate?

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Synonyms: , atu, ērā atu, kē atu

3. (particle) also, too - often with hoki.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 129;)

Nō rātou anō hoki rā tērā urupā. / That cemetery is also theirs.

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4. (particle) a different, quite another.

I te kāinga, kāore e hamumu te waha. Engari kia haere ki te tāone me ana hoa, he tangata anō - he pākiwaha tonu (HJ 2015:64). / At home he doesn't say anything. But when he goes to town with his friends he's a different person - he's quite loud.

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5. (particle) instead, rather, actually.

Ka tata mai taku ika ki te waka, ka hūtia ake, e hika, he rimurimu anō ia (HJ 2015:64). / When my fish was near the canoe and I lifted it up, lo and behold, it was actually seaweed.

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Synonyms: engari

6. (particle) on the contrary, in actual fact, nevertheless.

Tahi: Kāore he tāngata o te toa ki te āwhina i a koe? Rua: He tāngata anō, engari i te warea kē ki te āwhina i ētahi atu (HJ 2015:65). / Tahi: Was there nobody in the shop to help you? Rua: On the contrary, there were people, but they were busy helping others.

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Synonyms: ahakoa, hei aha koa, he ahakoa, hei aha (koa/noa iho), aua atu (rā), me aha koa, engaringari, tonu, ehara, engari

7. (particle) yet, already - to indicate completion or fulfilment of an action.

Hine: Kua kai anō kōrua? Rangi: Āe, kua kai kē māua (HJ 2015:66). / Hine: Have you two eaten yet? Rangi: Yes, we've already eaten.

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8. (particle) until, when - when kia precedes the verb, anō indicates something will be completed when something else has been done. Adding  before anō intensifies the meaning.

Kia mutu anō tō kai, kua pai tō puta ki waho. / When you've finished eating, you may go outside.
Kia tae rā anō tātou ki reira, ka kai ai. / When we finally arrive there, we'll eat.

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9. (particle) then, only just, now for the first time, finally, only then will - used with kātahi and .

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 74;)

Kātahi anō a Mīria ka hoki mai i Amerika. / Mīria has just returned from America.
Kia kite rawa aku kanohi, kātahi anō au ka whakapono (HJ 2015:67) / When I actually see it with my own eyes, then I will believe.

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Synonyms: kātahi tonu ... ka ..., kāhi, kātahi anō ... ka ...

10. (particle) just like - when following rite, pēnei, pēnā or pērā.

He pērā anō a Nātana. / Nathan is just like that, too.

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Synonyms: tonu, rite tonu, me kore ake, me/mai/mei kore ake ..., mai kore ake, mei kore ake

11. (particle) self, own - when used with personal pronouns and possessives, e.g. au anō (myself); ia anō (himself/herself); rātou anō (themselves).

Nāna anō rātou i āwhina. / He himself helped them.

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Synonyms: kiri, tinana, whaiaro, kōiwi, tupu, taketake, tipu, ake,

12. (particle) up to the time spoken of, have not yet, has not yet, yet - when following kāore.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 56;)

Kāore anō tā tātou manuhiri kia tae mai. / Our visitors haven't arrived yet.

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See also kāore anō ... kia

13. (particle) indeed, quite, actually, in actual fact, exactly, absolutely - used to intensify and add emphasis.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 109-110;)

14. (particle) one ... another - when repeated with a noun.

He mahi anō mā te tāne, he mahi anō mā te wahine. / There is one task for the man and another for the woman.

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kātahi anō ... ka ...

1. (particle) then, only just, now for the first time, finally.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 74;)

Kātahi anō a Poia ka maranga. / Poia has just got up.

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Synonyms: kāhi, anō, kātahi tonu ... ka ...


1. (loan) (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to agree, approve, agree to, and that is that, that is final.

Nā Rangi minita rāua ko Tiatitene minita i whakaari taua take, āminetia ana e te iwi (TP 7/1910:7). / Both the Rev. Rangi and the Rev. Chatterton presented the matter and it was approved by the people.

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See also āmene

2. (loan) (interjection) amen.

I runga i te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tama, o te Wairua Tapu. Āmine (TTT 1/4/1923:5). / In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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1. (noun) executor, completer.

Ka riro mai i te Kaiwhakaoti ngā taonga katoa kīhai i hoatu e te tūpāpaku i tōna oranga (RT 2013:22). / All the possessions not given away by the deceased when she was alive are taken by the Executor.

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2. (noun) final speaker.

Ko tā te kaikōrero whakamutunga mahi he whakarāpopoto i ngā kōrero o ngā kaikōrero o mua. Māna anō hoki e whakatikatika ngā kōrero mehemea i hē i tētahi. He maha ngā ingoa mō te kaikōrero whakamutunga, arā, ko te 'kaiwhakaoti', ko te 'tangata kōpani', ko te 'kaiwhakakao', ko te 'kaiwhakatepe', ko te 'kaiwhakawhāiti' ētahi. / The task of the last speaker is to summarise what the previous speakers have said. He also corrects anything that might be incorrect. There are a number of names for the last speaker, including 'kaiwhakaoti', 'tangata kōpani', 'kaiwhakakao', 'kaiwhakatepe' and 'kaiwhakawhāiti'.

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1. (loan) (interjection) amen.

Ko te tūnga o te Hīnota ki Parāwai, i te takiwā o te Tēmi, Hauraki, i tū i te 20 o Mei i te Mane, i te tau 1878, te tau o tō tātou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti, āmene (TW 20/7/1878:366). / The sitting of the Synod at Parāwai, in the Thames district, Hauraki, which sat on Monday, the 20th of May 1878, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

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2. (loan) (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to agree, approve, agree to, and that is that, that is final.

Nō te whakatauanga a Ngā Puhi kia waihotia te moana hei taonga mā te katoa, āmene katoa ana taua iwi (TTR 1998:136). / Ngā Puhi determined that the lake should remain a treasure for everybody and the tribe all agreed.

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1. (modifier) youngest, junior.

Nō te tuatoru ka romia e Te Pōhutu, ka mate te wahine muringa rā (M 2005:304). / On the third time she was strangled by Te Pōhutu, and so the junior wife died.

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2. (modifier) late, final.

I whānau a Te Ahiko i ngā tau muringa o te rau tau 1700-1799, i te tīmatanga rānei o te rau tau 1800-1899 (TTR 1994:135). / Te Ahiko was born in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century.

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Synonyms: reiti, tōmuringa, takaroa, tūreiti, akutō, tōmuri

3. (location) afterwards, after that, later, subsequently.

Muringa iho ka haere ake a Hōhepa me ngā tāngata o Ōruanui (TKM.MM 1/5/1862:6). / Hōhepa and the people of Ōruanui came afterwards.

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Synonyms: hai kō ake nei, i muri, i muri mai, ka taka te wā ..., meāke, taihoa ake, mea ake, nō muri, auina ake, taihoa, tāria te wā, ā muri ake nei, auina iho

4. (noun) youngest child, junior relative.

Ko ia te muringa o ngā ariki o tōna whakatupuranga o Ngāti Toa (TTR 1990:264). / He was a junior relative of the senior Ngāti Toa leaders in his generation.

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Synonyms: teina

whana kai tangata

1. (noun) final charge to rout the enemy.

Te whana tukutahi, te whana kai tangata (M 2006:120). / The sudden attack, the final charge to rout the enemy.

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1. (noun) conclusion, finale, wrap-up, close, coda.

Ko te whakakapinga te wāhanga whakamutunga o tētahi titonga puoro (RTP 2015:122). / The coda is the final section of a musical composition (RTP 2015:122).

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ka mea, (ā), ka ...

1. after quite a long time, eventually, when finally - an idiomatic use to indicate a passage of time before something happened.

Ka noho, ka noho, kua ānini te māhunga kua waea atu ki te rata kararehe. Ka mea, ā, ka oti i a māua tā māua mahi (HM 1/1998:4). / After quite a while our heads were spinning and we phoned a vet. Eventually we completed our task.
Ka whakakāhoretia e te wahine nei tēnei whakapae. Ka mea, ā, ka hiahia ki te whakaatu i tōna hara, ka tū ake i waenganui i te iwi, ka waiata i te waiata nei (M 2011:66). / This woman denied the accusation. When she finally wanted to confess to her sin, she stood up amongst the people and sang this song.

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ka haere, ā, ka ...

1. after quite a long time, eventually, finally - sometimes used idiomatically to indicate a passage of time before something happened.

Ka haere, ā, ka tipuria katoatia te whare e te māheuheu (HKK 1999:141). / After quite a long time the house was all overgrown by vegetation.

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... rawa ake

1. finally when, when eventually - used to indicate that the person only realised when it was too late or very late in the piece.

Oho rawa ake au, kua kaha te tītaha haere o te rā (HP 1991:160). / When I finally woke up the sun was very low in the sky.
Hoki rawa ake ki Whangaroa i muri mai, kua mate kē a Turikatuku (TTR 1990:379). / Later when he eventually returned to Whangaroa, Turikatuku had already died.

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whiringa whānui

1. (noun) quarter-final.

whiringa toa

1. (noun) final (competitions).

I te Ipu o te Ao mō te hunga wāhine ka hinga a Ahitereiria ki te kapa wāhine Māori. Nā konā ka uru ngā tīma o Aotearoa ki te whiringa toa, arā, ka tākaro te tīma Māori ki ngā Rarauhe Kiwi (Te Ara 2017). / In the Women’s World Cup the New Zealand Māori women’s team beat Australia. As a result the New Zealand teams were in the final, that is the Māori team played the Kiwi Ferns.

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1. (noun) final score.


1. (noun) (contest) quarter final.

tuku mātātahi

1. (noun) final.

2. (noun) tie-breaker.

pō mihimihi

1. (noun) final night at a tangihanga when informal farewells to the deceased are made.

I te pō i mua o te tanumanga o te tūpāpaku, ka hui ngā tāngata katoa ki mua i te wharemate whakangahau ai i te whānau pani, ā, ki te whakanui i te tūpāpaku. E kīia ana ko te pō mihimihi tēnei. / On the night before the burial of the deceased, everybody gathers in front of the wharemate to entertain the breaved family and to honour the deceased. This is called the pō mihimihi (night of greetings).

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See also tangihanga

rā anō

1. (particle) right to, as far as, since long ago - used with time expressions and emphasises the extent of the time interval involved.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 147;)

Nō mai rā anō tēnei mahi ā tātou. / This activity of ours has been done since time immemorial.

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See also rānō,

Synonyms: rawa, rānō

2. (particle) right from, all the way, finally, actually, really, even - used for emphasis or as an intensifier. When following a verb in the passive, a passive ending (i.e -hia or -tia) is also used with rā anō.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 147;)

I haria mai te kūmara i Hawaiki rā anō. / The kūmara was brought here all the way from the homeland.
He nui ngā hui a Tūhoe i tū ki te kōrero i tōna kawa. I te mutunga iho tērā pea kua uaua rawa te ū ki ērā tikanga i kōrerotia e ō māua kaumātua, i āta tuhia rā anōhia ērā mea katoa i kōrerotia hei titiro mā Tūhoe (Kāretu 2015). / There have been many Tūhoe gatherings held to discuss its kawa. In the end it's perhaps too difficult to maintain those customary practices talked about by our elders, all those things actually written down that were discussed for Tūhoe to look at.

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See also rānō

Synonyms: mai rā anō, mai rānō, katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, tonu, ata, rā pea, rānō, mārie, mārika, mārire, ia rā, tino, , tinana, koia, koia, koa

3. (particle) until, only when - indicates a condition needs, or needed, to be met in order for something else to be achieved or completed.

Kaua e haere kia oti rā anō ngā rīhi te horoi. / Don't go until the dishes have been washed.

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Synonyms: rawa


1. (particle) indeed, really, exceedingly, exactly, so, very, quite, especially - a manner particle following immediately after the word it relates to to indicate extremeness or excessiveness. It may be used after all types of bases, but particularly with negatives, adjectives and verbs as described below. Where rawa follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. In this situation the passive ending may be dropped from the verb, but not from rawa.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44, 91-92;)

Hangaia rawatia he whare hou mōna (TTR 1996:134). / A new house was built especially for her.

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Synonyms: koia, āhua, anō, tino, noa, tonu, kere, āta, hangehange, hengahenga, kāhua, (ko) tōna ... (nei), tou, noa iho, katoa, i neki, inā, ata, rā anō, rā pea, rānō, mārie, mārika, mārire, ia rā, koa, tinana, koia, koia,

2. (particle) eventually, finally, as soon as, by the time, only when, right up until - indicates a significant time lapse or effort and often follows verbs without verbal particles in subordinate clauses. Often followed by mai, atu, ake or iho.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 113;)

Tae rawa atu ia, kua moe kē a Herewini. / When they eventually arrived Selwyn was already asleep.

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Synonyms: rā anō, ā, noa

3. (particle) not at all, never - following negatives to strengthen the assertion of the negation.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 90;)

E kore rawa rātou e whakaae ki tēnā. / They will never agree to that.

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Synonyms: auare ake, nōhea, hore kau, kāhore kau, hore rawa, tōu ene, weta, nōwhea

4. (particle) too, overly, unduly - this usage indicates an unsatisfactory degree of a quality or attribute (either excessive or inadequate).

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44;)

Ka nui rawa ō moni! / You've got too much money!

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5. (particle) very, extremely, so, most - when preceded by an adjective and followed by atu it expresses the superlative.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44;)

He ātaahua rawa atu tēnei wāhi. / This place is extremely beautiful.

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6. (particle) all the way, completely, right to, right above - when following location words.

I kumea te waka ki uta rawa. / The canoe was dragged all the way up the beach.

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Synonyms: rānō, rā anō

7. (particle) until, till - following kia and a verb.

Me tatari koe kia tae rawa mai te pahi. / You had better wait until the bus arrives.

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8. (particle) must, really had better - following me and a verb, it intensifies the meaning of the obligation.

Me hoki rawa mai koe ā mua o te weheruatanga o te pō. / You really had better return before midnight.

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Synonyms: mātua, me, hōpurupuru

9. (particle) highest - when following runga.

I piki a Tāne ki te rangi o runga rawa. / Tāne climbed to the highest of the heavens.

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