1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to set to work, cause to work, operate, put to work, employ, use.
Kāore ia i pīrangi ki te tohutō, engari e ai ki tāna, he mea pai atu te whakamahi i te tohu oro tāpara, takitoru rānei (TTR 2000:11). / He did not like the macron, preferring to use the double or triple vowel.
Synonyms: tahuri, whāwhā, whakahaere, tapahi
2. (noun) use.
He tika tonu hoki te nui o tana whakamahi i ngā kohinga kōrero a Pei, ki ētehi wāhanga o tana tuhinga i te pukapuka nei, i a 'Tainui', ā, tērā pea i mahue noa i a ia te tono tika rawa atu kia whakamahia e ia aua kōrero rā (TTR 1998:86). / It's correct that parts of 'Tainui' made extensive use of Pei's collection, and perhaps permission to use material may not have been formally sought.
2. (noun) result of one's toil, work accomplished, accomplishment, achievement, attainment.
Haere, e te hoa, mā muri nei e mihi tō haumāuiui kua waiho iho hei taonga tongarerewa mā ngā uri whakatupu (HJ 2015:197). / Farewell, my friend, and those left behind will acknowledge the results of your hard work that have been left as precious treasures for the coming generations.
Synonyms: taeatanga, whakatutukitanga, whakatutuki
2. (modifier) transient, casual, voluntary.
Taka rawa mai ki tēnei wā, kua hau haere kē nei te rongo o Lena Manuel mō āna mahi tūao (TTR 2000:115). / By this time Lena Manuel was becoming well known through her voluntary work.
3. (noun) volunteer.
Ka hono mai ki a ia he ope hōia tangata whai, me wētahi tūao nō Te Matau-a-Māui (TTR 1990:87). / A company of military settlers and some Hawke's Bay volunteers joined him.
1. (verb) (-a) to work as a volunteer group, do as a working party, do cooperatively.
Mā tātau katoa e ngaki te purapura i ruia nei e tō tātau kaumātua, kore hoki e oti i te tangata kotahi te mahi, engari me ohu te mahi ka oti ai - koia nei tā onamata tū whakaaro, tāne, te wahine, te iti, te rahi, me pā katoa ki te mahi (TPH 27/3/1905:2). / We will all cultivate the seeds sown by our elder and it will not be done by one person, but the work should be done as a working party so that it is completed - that was the attitude in former times, men, women, the lowly and the important people, they should all participate in the task.
Ka rite ki te mahi a te Māori o mua; ka ohua te tua o te rākau hei waka (TWMNT 6/3/1872:52). / It is like the way Māori worked in former times when a tree was felled for a canoe by a working party.
2. (modifier) working bee, communal working group.
Ka whakaaro tētahi kaumātua ki te whakataka ohu hei tope i tōna waerenga, ka huihuitia e ia tōna iwi, ka whakahautia kia topea te waerenga rā (TTT 1/12/1931:82). / When an elder decided to muster a working bee to clear his garden site, he gathered together his people, and directed them to clear that garden plot.
I whakawhirinaki tonu ia ki tana hunga ohu i te mahi, tae atu hoki ki āna tamariki (TTR 1998:223). / He relied on volunteer helpers, including his children.
3. (noun) working bee, working party, volunteer workers, commune, cooperative, collective emterprise.
E rua ngā ohu nāna i mahi i te tuatahi kīhai i oti. Kātahi ka mahia e Te Pōkiha rātou ko ōna hoa tokotoru. Tekau mā iwa ngā rā i mahia ai ka oti (TWMNT 11/1/1876:1). / Two working parties were originally employed to do the work, but they didn't finish it. Then it was done by Te Pōkiha and his three assistants, completing it in nineteen days.
2. (modifier) working intermittently, working half-heartedly.
Ka mataku ia tēraka pea a Eruera ka mahi waimori (TTR 1994:21). / His fear was that Edward might only work intermittently.
2. (noun) casual job, casual work, casual labour.
1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to work, do, perform, make, accomplish, practise, raise (money).
Kei te taka mai ngā rā e mahia nuitia ai e te Pākehā te mahi whakamaroke me te mahi tini i te paramu me ērā atu huarākau (TP 12/1905:7). / The days are approaching when Pākehā will be busy drying and canning plums and other fruit.
Synonyms: whakatutuki, whakaakoako, parakitihi, haratau, whakawai, whakahāngai, whakaharatau, akoako, hangahanga, whakahangahanga, whaihanga, hanga, āhua, mea, waihanga, whakarite, tapa, whakaatu, whakaataata, whakahua, whakahaere, whakatūtū, hahaka, haka
2. (noun) work, job, employment, trade (work), practice, occupation, activity, exercise, operation, function.
Kei te taka mai ngā rā e mahia nuitia ai e te Pākehā te mahi whakamaroke me te mahi tini i te paramu me ērā atu huarākau (TP 12/1905:7). / The days are approaching when Pākehā will be busy drying and canning plums and other fruit.
Synonyms: umanga, whakatāuteute, whakahaerenga, whakahaere
3. (noun) abundance, lots of, many, heaps of.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 113;)
Kua kapi taua wāhi i te mahi a te whare. / That place was covered with lots of houses.
I ētahi tau he tino kaha kē te hua o ngā piki nei, ā, he tino reka hoki mō te kai. I ētahi rā, i te haere kē mātau, hoki rawa mai kua pau ngā hua te kai i te mahi a te tamariki (HP 1991:13). / In some years these fig trees fruited prolifically and they were very tasty to eat. Some days, when we went elsewhere, when we returned the fruit had all been eaten by the many children.
See also te mahi a te ...
Synonyms: ngerongero, ngero, tokomaha, te mahi a te ..., tōnuitanga, maruru, ngahue, maha, makuru, nui, makurutanga, hira, huhua, huhuatanga, humi, pukahu, rahinga, ranea, kaipukahu, harahara, te hanga a te, takitini, hia, wene, mahamaha, tuarea, marea, tuauriuri, pio, tini
1. (verb) (-a,-na) to let go, let down, get down, send.
Ko tētehi o aua keke i waiho hei tukutuku ki ngā whanaunga, i ia wāhi, i ia wāhi o Aotearoa, o Te Waipounamu (TW 21/2/1876:72). / One of those cakes was left to be sent to relatives in each part of the North and South Islands.
Synonyms: whakahinga, whakaheke, tuku, whakahoro
2. (verb) to decorate with lattice-work, make tukutuku panels.
He mea whakairo hoki, he mea kōwhaiwhai, he mea tukutuku, hei pupuri i te ātanga, i te wehi, i te haratau o ērā taonga a ō tātau tīpuna i roto i tēnei o ngā whare o te Atua (TTT 1/12/1925:336). / And it was carved and decorated with rafter paintings and lattice-work to retain the beauty, awesomeness and relevance of those treasures of our ancestors in this particular house of God.
3. (noun) ornamental lattice-work - used particularly between carvings around the walls of meeting houses. Tukutuku panels consist of vertical stakes (traditionally made of kākaho), horizontal rods (traditionally made of stalks of bracken-fern or thin strips of tōtara wood), and flexible material of flax, kiekie and pīngao, which form the pattern. Each of the traditional patterns has a name.
Kei te kōwhaiwhai, kei te tukutuku, kei te tāniko ngā tauira hangarite maha (PK 2008:74). / Rafter paintings, lattice-work and tāniko have many symmetrical patterns.
See also arapaki, kaokao, mūmū, niho taniwha, papaki rango, pātikitiki, poutama, purapura whetū, roimata toroa, takitoru, waharua, wāmu
Synonyms: harapaki
4. (noun) grid.
Me mōhio te ākonga ki te kimi i te tawhiti i waenganui i ētahi pūwāhi e rua i runga i tētahi tukutuku (Pa 1996:90). / The student should know how to find the distance between two points on a grid.
2. (modifier) industrious, hard-working, diligent.
I mua he iwi mamahi te Māori, he tini ana tākaro, te omaoma, te pekepeke, te takaro ringaringa, te haka, te moari, te aha noa, te aha noa (KO 16/11/1885:3). / Formerly the Māori were an industrious people with many sports, running, jumping, playing hand games, performing haka, moari swings, and many other games.
3. (noun) industriousness, diligence, labour.
Tērā te makau te amuamu kau nei ki tana whāereere mō te korenga o ā rāua tamariki ora, te mahara ai ia, tērā te take i kore ai te whānau ora mai tētahi tamaiti mā rāua, ko te mamahi o tana wahine i a ia e hapū ana (TH 1/7/1859:2). / There was the partner grumbling about his wife for not having produced children that live, and not thinking that the reason not a single child had been born alive for them was because of the heavy work his wife did when she was pregnant.
2. (noun) board for moving and working soil.
3. (noun) wash board (of a canoe).
4. (noun) river bank.
Ka puta te kupu oati a te kāwanatanga ki te whakaara taraipiunara hei whiriwhiri i te nui o te moni kāpeneheihana ki te hunga e noho kau ana i ngā paretai o ngā awa (TTR 1998:198). / The government promised to set up a tribunal to assess compensation for people living on the banks of the rivers.
1. (modifier) industrious, hard-working, diligent, resolute.
He tangata kaha, he tangata pukunanaiore - ka tohe tonu ia, ā eke noa tāna kua roa e moemoeā ana (HJ 2015:40). / A strong and resolute person - he persisted until he had achieved what he had been dreaming of for a long time.
Synonyms: rae pakari, ngākau titikaha, manawa rahi, pūtohe, niwha, kiriūka, manawanui, marohi, mārohirohi, titikaha, whakakiriūka, pikoni, ū, pūkeke, aumangea, tōkeke
mahi tahi
1. (verb) to work together, collaborate, cooperate.
Ka mahi tahi a Hōne rāua ko tōna tuakana – ko Hōne te tauira, ko Pine te tohunga – ki te mahi i ngā whakairo mō Te Hono ki Rarotonga, he wharenui kai te kokoru o Tokomaru (TTR 1998:182). / John Taiapa and his older brother worked together - John as a trainee and Pine the expert - on the carvings for Te Hono ki Rarotonga, a meeting house at Tokomaru Bay.
2. (noun) working together, collaboration, cooperation, teamwork.
Ko au te rangatira ake, ko tētahi o ngā Hēhita taku kaiāwhina. He pai hoki tā māua mahi tahi (HP 1991:245). / I was the actual leader and one of the Sisters was my assistant. And we worked well together.
wāhi mahi
1. (noun) workplace, work address.
I te tīmatanga, ka noho ngā Māori ki te pokapū taone, he tata hoki ki ngā wāhi mahi – arā ngā wāpu, ngā wheketere, me ngā ahumahi nui (Te Ara 2013). / At first Māori tended to live in inner-city locations because they were close to where workplaces were found – on the wharves, in factories and industries.
2. (noun) group work.
He mahi ā-rōpū tēnei, arā, me mahi ngātahi koutou ki te whakautu i ngā pātai. / This is a group activity, that is you must work together to answer the questions.