1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to lie something across, at right angles, astride.
Ko te pūwerewere. He tāruarua te noho whakahāngai o ētahi hahae e toru, e whā rānei, ki roto i tētahi awaawa āhua whānui nei (RTA 2014:210). / The pūwerewere carving design. A repetition of three or four cuts lying at right angles in a quite wide groove.
2. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to apply, implement, put into practice, practise, update, make relevant.
I te wā o te Pakanga Tuarua ko Rotohiko tonu tētehi o ngā kaihanga o te kaupapa a Te Meihana ki te whakahāngai ake i te Ture Kaunihera Māori (TTR 1998:69). / During the Second World War, Rotohiko himself was one of the architects of Mason's scheme to update the Māori Councils Act.
Synonyms: haratau, parakitihi, whakaakoako, mahi, akoako, whakaharatau, whakawai