1. (verb) to practise, acquire dexterity, rehearse.
I riro nā tōna whaea tonu a ia i akiaki ki te whakapakari i tōna reo Māori, whakaharatau ana ia i te reo ki ana hoa taitamariki (TTR 2000:49). / His mother encouraged him to improve his Māori, and he practised it with his young friends.
Synonyms: haratau, parakitihi, whakaakoako, mahi, akoako, whakahāngai, whakawai
2. (noun) practice.
Ina hoki i kaha anō tana kōkiri i ngā whakaharatau me ngā mahi mātātoa a ngā tohunga (TTR 1996:66). / He was also energetic in attacking the practices and activities of tohunga.